Post-surgery body changes

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Jun 8, 2012
Hi all, my first post.

Was wondering if anyone has noticed any post surgery changes in body shape? I had a laproscopic subtotal colectomy last November, followed by an open emergency mucous fistula construction a week later, leaving two stoma on my abdomen. Before surgery I was 67kg (I'm a 5'10" male), refucing to 61kg afterwards.

As my weight returned to its pre-op level in the following months, I began to notice bulges in my abdomen, on the sides flanks near the stoma - a bit like a muffin top overhang around my sides. I had always been pretty skinny, so they were very noticeable when wearing certain shirts etc. Although I wasn't putting weight on in thevstomach, and fat redistrubution to my sides sprang to mind, I hadn't much to redistribute, so this accumulation of fat above my hips came as a surprise.

Following step 2 of my jpouch procedure in June, my weight decreased to 63kg, where it has stayed due to an especially active loop ileo. However, rather than rectify this problem, it seems to have made these bulges more noticeable! I would try to lose weight but am already at the low end of normal for my age and height. It is worse around the side of my stoma, less so around the old fistula sight, but still present. Didn't have this issue pre-stoma.

Can anyone suggest what this might be? Does fluid accunulate around your trunk with a stoma or is this just the way it will be from now on? Will this resolve naturally or is it a consequence of surgery?
I haven't had surgery so I'm not sure of the answer, but wanted to suggest that maybe it's to do with your muscles being cut with the surgery. If you had open surgery they would have had to cut through your muscles, leaving them weakened. It may be worth asking your surgeon about.