Post surgery is this normal ????

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Nov 28, 2015
Hi all this is my first post. My husband had an emergency small bowel resection 3 weeks ago. They removed 50cm of dead bowel and 50cm of crohns bowel. He was only diagnosed with Crohn's 2 weeks before after being poorly for 2 months. He has an ileostomy and was in hospital for 2 weeks post surgery.
he has been home for a week. His ileostomy seams to be working well. He is taking no pain meds and is eating very well.
the main issues is he seams to be getting weaker. I realise he has had major surgery but he does seam to be going backwards. He collapsed in the bathroom today because he is so weak. He refuses to get medical help. Has anyone else had anything similar as i am getting quite worried. Thanks for your help :)
Hi Susie. Please get your husband to at least ring his doctor if not go to A&E. Weakness yes, but collapsing isn't right after surgery. I'm 3 weeks post op too and I'd be straight there if I collapsed. Hope you can get him to go. Jo x
Is he drinking lots of fluid? I have ended up back in hospital because I got dehydrated. Got very weak.
He really should call the doctor at the very least.