Prednisone not working... desperate to help my husband

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Jun 19, 2011
Hi, I'm new here, although I've been lurking around for a while. I'm posting in the hope that maybe someone might have an insight into my husband's situation. I'm confused and scared and I don't know what to do. I would be super appreciative of anyone's advice or thoughts.

He was diagnosed with crohn's at 15, and is 30 now. He had a resection at 16, another at 28 (~18 months ago) to deal with strictures - they removed a few inches of the terminal ileum (they never told us how much exactly, even though I asked a bunch of times). The surgery went well, and his disease had been pretty predictable up until that point. Prednisone has always worked well to control flares, which is a good thing given that he tends to burn out on biologics (remicade, humira, and now cimzia) after about six months. Methatrexate worked pretty well but the nausea was overwhelming. We stopped that when it became clear that the strictures were going to keep causing obstructions and that surgery was the only option.

Six months after his resection, he started to develop intermittent pain in his customary location - right below the bellybutton. Some bloody diarrhea after naughtily eating popcorn :mad2:, but no other major symptoms. No signs of obstruction, his usual achilles' heel. The pain would come and go, but neither pred nor antibiotics did much to help (he tried them on and off). He was getting by on cimzia, and for a while it seemed to be helping - he would feel a bit better after an injection, often. Although maybe that was just wishful thinking.

About six weeks ago, right after he had influenza A (treated with tamiflu), the pain got much worse. And it basically never stops. Same location. Still no other major symptoms, except decreased appetite and increased thirst. Eating didn't seem to affect things much, but the pain was definitely worse in the morning, right when he wakes up.

He had an MRE (abdominal MRI) which showed slight inflammation (no areas of acute inflammation or stricture) and a slightly enlarged spleen (which had been noted 6 months before too). Bloodwork (CBC, liver function, sed rate, pancreas tests) consistent with slight inflammation, nothing else. Well, other than slight anemia, which he pretty much always has.

Since then, he's started to show more flare-like symptoms - bloody diarrhea, occasional vomiting, really intense crampy pain after eating as well as in the morning. He's in constant pain. Still no signs of obstruction. His GI said to try pred to get what he presumes is a flare under control. But despite being on 60mg, it's doing absolutely nothing. If anything, after 3 days at this higher dose, he seems worse.

My husband knows his disease pretty well, but we're at a loss. If it was a flare, why isn't he showing more acute inflammatory activity? And why wouldn't the pred be helping? He thinks he's absorbing it normally, he has the sweating and increased appetite as per usual.

I am going out of my mind googling gallstones, kidney stones, liver problems, abdominal fistulas, abcesses, ulcers, wandering spleen - the thought being that maybe something else is causing inflammation which then feeds into his GI system somehow? But I really have no idea. We were planning if the pred didn't work to have him admitted to try IV steroids, but what if it's just going to exacerbate some underlying problem? I feel like a barium swallow and/or ultrasound and/or CT are called for at this point, but his GI (who I normally really like) seems quite blase.

Thanks for reading this novel. I'm grateful for the space to talk about what we're dealing with. I'd give anything to be able to help. He can't go on like this.
Greetings and welcome! I'm afraid I'm not going to be too much help, however, as your husband had at least part of his ileum removed, do they have him on vitamin B12 supplementation?

I'm sorry you and your husband are having to go through all this :( I wish you nothing but the best.

Thanks David, good point! He has problems with vitamin D absorption and has been on supplements, and the vitamin B12 definitely needs looking into. The long term effects of deficiency can be scary... wonder if he needs special bloodwork or if it shows up on a CBC.
Thanks, Catherina. He had one about six months ago and things looked really good (despite the intermittent pain), so his GI said it probably wouldn't be time yet. But I don't know... with these symptoms, something has to happen. A colonoscopy does sound sensible. *nods*
Since then, he's started to show more flare-like symptoms - bloody diarrhea, occasional vomiting, really intense crampy pain after eating as well as in the morning. He's in constant pain. Still no signs of obstruction.

If it was a flare, why isn't he showing more acute inflammatory activity?

Vomiting and pain are a sign of an obstruction. And more symptoms? Those are bad enough, he doesn't need to show more.

For me blood in my stool indicates a flare. Sometimes I'll also have pain and flu like symptoms as well. Thing is that everyone is different. You don't need to show x, y and z symptoms in order to be in a flare. Not only is everyone different but every flare is different. What meds may have worked for a previous flare may not work now or just because they didn't work before doesn't me they wont work this time around.

I agree that he should have some other tests done. I believe my GI would order a colonoscopy and if nothing were found then he may want to do an endoscopy and a barium swallow. If nothing at all is found (which seems unlikely since the MRI already showed inflammation in his intestines) then the GI will refer him to someone else I'm sure.

Sorry I'm not much help. :( Welcome to the forum and I hope he gets better soon.
Crabby -- thanks for the input. My husband's has been through so many full and partial obstructions, many since we were together. When he says he's certain he's not obstructing (passing gas, having constant diarrhea, very different sensations in the gut, pain not nearly as acute) it seems like pretty good evidence he's not. I guess he could be wrong, but I'm more worried that some underlying, chronic problem is exacerbating his inflammation (which could very well lead to a full-blown flare and an obstruction in due course). But Crohn's has so many systemic effects, it's hard to know where to look, you know?

To be clear, his GI is puzzled by the fact that he's in this much pain - his levels of inflammation are still quite low, apparently the sort of thing that one would expect given his condition even when it's well-controlled. It could even be due to seasonal allergies, he said. So, until recently, when the bleeding started, he was fairly convinced it wasn't a flare. Lately he agreed a high dose of pred was worth a try at least. But this is all being done over email - we can't get an appointment until early July.

Sorry if I sound defensive. I don't mean to. I know I'm largely out of my depth. But everyone involved is puzzled by what's going on.
Hi i'm not much help i'm afraid but maybe the pred is masking the severity of the inflammation in his intestine, how long has he been taking it this time? It's a worrying time for you and they certainly don't want to overlook any other cause. I'm not sure of the MRE investigation is it similar to a CT scan? I would request another colonoscopy as a lot can change in 6 months and it's hardly a test you would volunteer for unnecessarily so hopefully your GI will agree to it. Hope you get some answers soon
Hi i dont know if this info will help but i find it helps to know other people r in the same boat! after having uncontrolled crohns colitis for 6/7 yrs i was due to have an op to have a colostomy bag. i found some info that black strap molasses helped someone in same position, i took a tsp every am and pm and symptoms went completely. i was on Humira but wasnt working after 3 months! i dont bleed anymore but i do get pains to the left of my belly button, often before i need to the loo or 1st thing in the morning. i eat a high fibre diet and stay away from bread as get constipated so easily which is painful. i hope things settle for your husband x
Portmanteau, I'm sure you and your husband have much more experience with Prednisone than I do but I know on my most recent flare it took me a good week or 2 before I noticed any improvement from the Pred. It might just be that his gut is so damaged it's going to take some time to heal.

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