Prednisone Problem

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Jan 12, 2013
I've been on prednisone since I was diagnosed in mid December. I started on 40mg, and had finally managed to get down to 10mg a few weeks ago when I suddenly had a ton of symptoms again. I started feeling extremely tired (to the point of waking up at 7 and having breakfast and then needing a nap by 9 am) and I had to go to the bathroom more. My doctor upped my prednisone three times, and it seems like it isn't doing a thing. I'm at 17.5mg and each time he's had me increase the dose for two weeks. I haven't been eating anything new/different, I had thought I was getting sick but that never happened! Is this normal when you're on prednisone? I was so excited about getting off of it too! :p
Sorry the prednisone isn't working for you :(

Sometimes this does happen to individuals on prednisone unfortunately where it is simply not enough to get things under control. Are you on any other medications for crohn's? It looks like they may eventually need to add on a new/stronger medication if you continuously experience symptoms when you taper down to the lowest doses or have to keep re-starting prednisone (this is what happened to me).

Has your GI discussed your other treatment options with you? If he/she has not said anything, I would initiate a conversation with him/her as prednisone is not meant to be a long term solution. The longer you are on pred, the more at risk you are for additional side effects and complications caused by the medication itself (especially dealing with bone loss).

I've been on prednisone for about 3 months now and not due to get off until sometime June if everything works out so I understand your annoyance and frustration.

I hope you are able to find something that works for you for the long term.
It can happen. I was put on 40mgs in December and got all the way down to nothing! Before being bumped back up to 30mgs. My symptoms have still not gone away. Pred used to work wonders for me, pretty much vanishing the Crohns after a few days. But not any more! I know others too where it has lost it's touch.
Are you on any other medication?
I am also taking 4000mg of pentasa daily. Thanks for your replies, I think i'm going to end up going to talk to the doctor. The plan at the moment was to taper off the prednisone and see if the pentasa was working, but originally he'd only wanted me on prednisone for a month. We hadn't talked about what would happen if I was still on it months later!
Yeah, if the prednisone isn't working then it's probably safe to say that the pentasa is not going to do much for you on its own either. This is because prednisone is stronger than and works quicker than pentasa and your disease activity/severity is probably more than pentasa at your current dosage is able to manage.

It may be that you will eventually have to move up in the tier of treatment to an immunomodulator such as Imuran or 6MP to suppress the immune system response.

Here is a brief description of the medication tier:

However definitely talk to your doctor about ALL of your other options as well and if he is not cooperative or helpful then it would be time for a second opinion on the matter.
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I'm in a similar situation, was put on 60mg of prednisone and pentasa about 6 weeks ago and just finished the prednisode a few days ago. Still having pain and stuff so not sure if I'll have to go back on yet. Thought I'd be better after the course!

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