Prednisone side-effects

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Apr 9, 2012
I am currently taking 40mg prednisone and have the following side-effects: difficult to sleep/stay asleep, loss of concentration, headaches, chest pressure (I have a history of tachycardia), nausea, restlessness, and general unease.

Is there anyone else who has experienced similar side effects? If so, what are some things I can do to alleviate some of these?

There are many threads in the prednisone/treatment subforum on here, which describe these symptoms exactly. The unease they call steroid gitters, and the mood swings which occur once your weaning, and or have weaned and go back to 40mg ect... 'roid rage'. The side effects are horrid, hopefully you'll be able to wean with no problems. I tell my GP any and every new symptom. Some side effects, such as Moodswings, are generally treated with antidepressants, some side effects are made worse by things like candida, and there's no medication to make it better, just calcium for joints/bones, fish oil, vit d, and personally, 2 good probiotics and a vit c garlic supplement, help a lot with candida flares, which prednisone is a classic cause of, along with other imune suppressants like azathiroprine. Flu symptoms with headaches, dizziness, fogginess, are symptoms of Pred and candida- and low bp, and dehydration. If I have a dry coated tongue, I know it's candida flaring, and dehydration, not just prednisone. Hope it helps. There's lots of great threads on here about Pred, some scary even, as to just how severe some ppls side effects can be. :/
I am currently at the end of a course of predisone, on 5mg/day down from 40. I have had all the side effects you mention except the chest pressure, but I've also had extreme hunger when on higher doses as well as a lot of heartburn. I think every one of us who has been on predisone has experienced some side effects.

I have osteoporosis from being on predisone so often over the years. Take calcium and vit. D. As for ways to relieve the side effects, I've resorted to taking Benadryl occasionally to sleep (which might not be best, but I was desperate for sleep)
Your Osteoporosis

Hi - I wondered if you were taking Risedronate for your osteoprosis? It has helped mine a lot in that a huge percentage of the bone has been restored through taking them for abou three years now.Good luck. I've just started prednisolone for my joint pain so hoping it will help - (see joint pain thread)

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