Prednisone taper, with hair loss?

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Dec 21, 2011
Has anyone ever experienced hair loss when tapering off of prednisone? I have been on and off prednisone for the past two years, and it seems like every time I taper I start losing my hair! I now have about 1/3 of the hair I originallly had, and it's very frustrating! If I were a guy I would just shave my head, but since I'm a girl, it's pretty embarrassing! Thankfully I started out with a lot of hair. please help! I also had kidney failure about a year ago. I've talked to my doctors, but they don't ever really seem to answer why i'm losing my hair. Oh and thankfully, this is the LAST time I will be tapering off prednisone for a while at least! YEs!!!
I'm currently tapering off of 40 mg a day of prednisone at 5 mg every two weeks. I was having hair loss prior to the taper due to the cimzia that I was on for several months. My last dose of cimzia was a couple of months ago though, and I still have very thin hair, so maybe it is the prednisone as well. I would really recommend taking biotin. I take it myself and have noticed a bit more hair growth since starting it.
I think I am experiencing some hair loss now. I'm six months out from surgery and off all drugs! So bizarre.

I hope your hair loss stops/slows when you get all the way off the Prednisone. And I'm glad to hear this is the last time for a while! It may be worthwhile giving your doctor a ring and discussing it with her/him. They may know some more tips or be able to tell if it's something concerning or underlying. Good luck.
Oh bless, me too. I have very long hair. Biotin 5000 mcg has helped ALOT. And make sure to take Iron supplements as well.

I'm gonna make a rug or something from my hair. As I'm crying.

Mine strange I got medication cause my hair to fall out slow might by and now having flare. I have 30mg Predsnisone since more a week down to four now and only because made mistaken my GI sort slapped on my wrists, now I have patch of hair growth on my feet on my right and slow but not a least on left.
Yes, very much so! :( I lost a LOT of hair, when I was on pred and when I was tapering... It came back, but it took a while, and it was horrible while it lasted. I hope you'll be off the pred for a loooooong time! All the best in your recovery!

Thanks all for the advice. I've been off prednisone since March now and my hair has stopped falling out. I learned (from a veterinarian no less) that prednisone really thins hair out. So i'm guessing it didn't actually fall out, maybe it broke off because it was so thin or something. However I have about 3/4 the hair I used to! I hope it grows back quickly though! So to everyone on prednisone, there's hope!!!!!!!!!!! I also lost 20 lbs after going off prednisone.
Good luck everyone on prednisone!! :)

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