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May 23, 2012
Hello everyone. My name is Mike and i am a Crohns patient of 8 years. I have a question for whomever would like to answer. I had a bad flare up in April and my doctor put me on 60 mg of prednisone. I gradually decreased it and was off by the end of July. I had your standard side effects from it (acne and a big ole moonface) but expected them to be gone by now. I was on the steroid for 4 months and now have been off for 4 months. While the acne has subsided and the moonface has gone down some, i still do not have my normal face back. Does it usually take this long for the side effects to completely go away? And could i expect to have my normal face back eventually?
Hi and welcome Mike.
Your normal face should come back.
Just takes time.
From memory mine took about 9 months to go back to gaunt looking.
I just started Pred again - so I'm reverting back to chipmunk piggy eyes.
It's not a look that suits me.
A low-salt diet really helped me avoid the swelling...I wonder if it would help even after you're off the stuff? My doctor in France said, "don't add salt in cooking, and check labels when you buy prepared food, but you don't have to ask the waiter in restaurants or anything". Now, one potato chip is enough! With enough garlic, you don't miss it anyway.
Thank you guys for the input. Samboi, good luck with your prednisone cycle. One thing i could recommend is a strict Paleo diet. Ive been eating Paleo for about three months and it has helped me immensely.
I didn't have acne, but I had a moon face. Mine disappeared really quickly though. Within days to a couple of weeks all my symptoms were gone except muscle loss, which took longer to come back. My face went back to normal quickly.

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