Preliminary diagnosis

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Nov 7, 2008
preliminary diagnosis

Well, the nurse from my GI doc's office called me today with the results of my EGD. They told me 4-6 days and it's only 2 days later. Huh. Anyway, I'm showing some chronic inflammation in my stomach, but my small instestine that he saw looked OK.

Then she gave me the results of the genetic tests. Apparently I'm elevated in a few of them on that panel, so I guess there is Crohn's in my genetic history. I'm adopted, so I only know half of my family history and that isn't the half this is in apparently.

So now does this mean it's Crohn's or could it still be UC? I guess they're basically the same..............but different. I see my doc on 12/03 since he's out of the office now for the Thanksgiving holiday.

this was quite a blow to me. I'm not sure why, but I really thought these tests would be negative since all my other tests were negative (for lupus, etc.) I guess I really wasn't expecting it. I don't have the symptoms so many of you do, but a few of you said there was a constipation Crohn's, so that must be what this is. I know I have to wait to see the doc for the final answer, but I think Crohn's is the final answer. At least that's the way the nurse sounded.

So now what? What do I do? Where do I go from here? I'll probably get more info at the doc appt., but you guys know the drill I suppose. Do I have more colonoscopies after my prednisone is done to see if it worked? Or does the blood work show if I go into a remission of sorts? So many questions, so many worries.
what do you do now? you wait:(
where do i go from here? just keep looking after yourself while you wait:(
is it crohns or UC? we cant tell, you have to wait:(

most of us know the drill very well, waiting :(

thats the best advice i can offer sadly:( and i really do mean sadly, we've all been there and its all a crappy waiting game.

they never gave me a final 90% sure diagnosis of crohns until they had my large intestine on a table in front of them.

and genetics may have nothing to do with it, i was the first person in my family who has ever had anything like this.

usually my posts are a bit more upbeat, i apologise for a sad reply. it just reminded me of the crap i went thru to get my final diagnosis

Bests wishes Jen, keep us up to date when you hear more.

I have only had one colonoscopy so far. Blood work shows if the inflammation has gone down.

My diagnosis still isn't for sure Crohn's, could still be UC. I too am the first in my family to have the disease.

Sucks you have to wait so long for the next appointment...I hate waiting!

Hope you feel better with the prednisone.

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