Thank you, you have all been very helpful. I will ask to see an endocrinologist. She was diagnosed in Feb this year with Crohn's and put on enteral feeding for 7 weeks, half way through this when there was no improvement in her health the doc prescribed Pentasa and approx 2-3 weeks after taking this her breasts became sore and hard. My logical brain was saying " no problem it's just normal development" but my mum radar was saying "make sure it is just normal and not a side effect of the medicine". I feel reassured now that my logical brain was probably right, I had looked up on the internet for any connection of precocious puberty and Pentasa and couldn't find anything.
I will mention it to her doctor when we she him in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately I think he's going to want to introduce steroids as the modulen and Pentasa has not had any impact on her Crohns, she still bleeds with every bowel movement, she is still as pale as a ghost and very lethargic too but her blood tests indicate she isn't difficient in iron so I put it down to the Crohn's tiring her out.
Her growth has fortunately thus far never been an issue but she has been exposed to estrogens when I changed her to soya milk as a baby/toddler when she had rectal bleeding after coming off breast milk and going on to formula milk. I wasn't aware then, nor was I advised by health visitors or doctors, that soya milk had high estorgen levels and is not recommended for infants under the age of 2 so I could have caused her a problem. I dearly hope not but it is a possibility.
There is no early puberty in the close family and my other daughter is 12 and has only just started developing breasts.
Thank you very much it really helps to know I can turn to others who unfortunately have more experience of this disease than I do. You are very selfless helping others when I'm sure many of you have had a much tougher time with Crohn's than we have xx