Prenatal vitamins

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Jun 13, 2012
has anyone taken prenatal vitamins, triveen duo dha? i was given a prescription for it for my daughter but in reading the bottle it says to be cautious using if you have stomach/intestinal problems (e.g., ulcer, colitis), now i'm wondering.
Her GI gave her the RX but heck sometimes they dont know the vitamin either.
My MD told me to take 2 Flinstones (or generic brand) chewable vitamins as they are easier on the gut. It gave me great blood work results and as I get anemic once in a while, I get an iron IV infusion that takes 1 1/2 hrs. because they premedicate you first to prevent a reaction. It consists of 2 visits several days apart and will keep my red cell count and CRIT in the healthy range for over a year as iron pills definitely wreak havoc on the gut.

I learned that the hard way when I was 12 an anemic. My GI back then put me on iron pills and I wound up in the ER due to severe abdominal pain.

Definitely ask the GI if a children's multivitamin would be better and if she's anemic, to go the IV route. Easier on the gut as nothing goes through it and it lasts a long time.

hope that helps. Gutless Wonderwoman
Hi Gutlesswoman, thats good info. i will try the flinstones and as far as the iron tables thats interesting her GI has had her on iron supplements for months now and she did end up in the ER recently with stomach pain. i dont know about your GI but hers already doesnt like that she takes LDN i doubt he'll listen when i suggest IV iron but worth a try. thanks
I took prenatal vitamins in the past for crohns but they were just the generic store brand (no prescription) and those didn't give me a problem. I'm sure there's a lot more to it than I know but why would they give a prescription for something you can find on the shelf?

I have, and still do actually take flinstones vitamins and a. they're delicious (lol) and they don't give me problems. Whether they actually work or not I couldn't tell you but they certainly don't give me any problems either
The reason they gave her prenatal is because while she was hospitalized i was researching Apriso and found that if you take Apriso you should also take folic acid so when i questioned the GI on staff he said he'd write a script for prenatal that has folic acid and dha. the prenatals are free at schnucks and dierbergs but if flinstones are good i bet leah would love to chew a vitamin instead of swallowing all these huge pills.
another thing i found interesting that someone may be able to answer is they only put her on 3 cap of Apriso when the normal is 4 cap. not that i want her to take more meds but shes been on apriso for a year now and has had a few hospitalizations since so maybe her maint meds arent strong enought. i dont know??
If he disagrees with the IV iron, then see her primary MD and get it done. I find it hard to believe that any GI would want their IBD patients to suffer by taking an iron pill instead of the IV infusion. Her GI should know this already that iron is hard on the gut and it causes great discomfort.

I have a hematologist as well & she suggested it. She sends my office visit reports to my GI's office so he'd be kept in the loop as well as my primary MD. They both supported her as it's the best way to get iron in my body.

If your daughter's GI doesn't listen, then get a 2nd opinion. As IBD patients, we are entitled to be made comfortable when flaring, seek out other options that will get us in remission, and if need be, a 3rd opinion may be warranted if both MDs don't listen to your concerns.

If her GI doesn't like that she's on LDN, why did he put her on it? oh, I'm on folic acid as well as it helps with the Crohn's and even clotting disorders.
gutless, the GI didnt put her on the LDN her family practioner did. i'm definately going to ask about the IV iron thats so much for that, not only would it help her stomach but thats two less pills she would have to take!
When I took iron earlier this year, I told the pharmacist that I have Crohn's and wanted him to recommend an iron tablet that would be easier on my stomach and gut. He told me "feosol", and as long as I took it with food, I did ok.

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