Pretty Fortunate I Guess

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25 years ago I had a blockage at the point where my small and large intestines connected. I was in the hospital 2-3 weeks being fed via an IV before my intestines woke back up. They said I had Crohn's. I was never put on any medication and that's the last I remembered about having Crohn's. I last had a colonoscopy in 1999 with nothing wrong. Over the years though, especially the last 10 or so, my bathroom habits have really changed. The last 3 years or so, I've taken at least one Imodium tablet every morning to give myself some sort of regularity.

Anyway, the end of the second week in January of this year, my back began hurting. I thought I'd pulled a muscle working out. I went to my family doctor the next week. My stomach - lower right - was now hurting. He began treating me for diverticulitis. 10 days later after finishing up my meds, I went back and had him make an appointment with a Gastrointerologist. He scheduled me first for a CAT Scan and a week later a colonoscopy. He said he couldn't get the colonoscopy scope into my small intestine and had me schedule to see a surgeon ASAP. The next day, I was really hurting and he put me on a liquid diet. My surgeon's appointment wasn't for another 10 days but he got it changed to the following Wednesday. I was really hurting when I saw the surgeon. He squeezed me in for surgery late that Friday afternoon 26 Feb. The surgery lasted 1.5 hours and I was in recovery for 2.5 hours. They put me on a new medication that was to wake up my intestines quicker after surgery. The ice water they gave me to swallow that first pill just before surgery tasted so very good. I tried to get them to give me some more but they wouldn't. They removed a fist-sized abscess where I had my bowel surgery 25 years ago, 2 feet of small intestine that was wrapped around the abscess, and they fixed a hernia I didn't know I had.

They put me on a liquid diet the day after surgery. That was a mistake. The first night after surgery, I passed two bedpans full of blood and blood clots. That was really painful. Then I threw up everything I had in my stomach. They gave me two units of blood the next day (a Sunday - Surgery was Friday night), I started eating on Monday, and they released me on Wednesday. My taste was all screwed up. It would be another 2.5. weeks before my taste was anywhere close to normal again. A week and a half later after 4 nights of a 103 degree F. plus temp (104 on Friday). They put me back in the hospital. It was my 5th night of running a high temp. Another CAT Scan said I had acquired one of those nasty hospital infections and I had a large pocket and several small pockets of infection in my abdomen - right side. The put a drain in on Monday. You should have seen how much stuff they drained out. I was released Thursday night, came back the following Monday for them to put a larger drain in, and returned the next Monday for them to remove the drain. It's been two weeks since taking the drain out and it's still really sore there.

They've started me on a probiotic and some medication to help remove all the bile that is no longer getting absorbed. I go back in a few weeks to fine tune this medication quantity and put me on something for the Chrohn's. The surgeon said I was pretty lucky to go 25 years without a second surgery. I guess I'm pretty fortunate compared to a lot of people. I don't have any diet restrictions to date. I lost 35.5 pounds. You'd never know I lifted weights. In a swim suit I look anorexic, but I've gained back 11 pounds already and my taste is back. I just can't exercise yet besides walking. Doing more than that hurts my side where I had the drain to the abscess from the secondary infection. I'm not looking forward to being on a lot of medication; but if it helps put off the next bout of Chrohn's I guess it will be worth it.
HI Valin, welcome to the forum! Yes, you were fortunate but then alot of complications all at once. I had similar problems in my second surgery. I had two penrose bags on each side for drainage...didnt matter was still infected. Ha, my GP says the surgeon has a 2% infection rate... like I am going to find it, I always do! Lucky me. Probiotics are a great help. I am on them too, when I remember. You are going to be tender for while, and that is perfectly normal. Just rest and eat well. I would think Humira would be great for you or alot of poeple do well on Imuran. Lots of types of meds to go on, guess you are in a decision mode to search which one is best for you, your doctor will recommend what is best for you. Just dont make the mistake I made after my first surgery and went back to my old ways of eating, and I was still smoking... that was 8 years ago, since my last surgery, still not perfect, but at least I have a better life then i did.

Hope you find some answers here and let us know what your Gi gives you for meds, lots of people here to help. What country are you from? Welcome again!
Welcome to the forum! You've got quite a story there. :) Glad you found us. You ARE very lucky to have gone that long without surgery. Hopefully you'll enjoy at least another 25!
Hi Valin
and welcome

That's quite a story, poor you! You'll be a great asset to the forum and help other Crohnies! Admirable!
Lots of friendly people here to support and advise you
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome Valin,
That's an interesting story. Good that you had a super long remission but not so good that it came back with a vengeance! Hope your recovery goes well and you're soon on the mend.
Welcome Valin! Hope your recovery is quick and easy from here on out and that you get another 25 years of remission! We should all be so lucky! It just goes to show how different this disease is for each one of us.

- Amy
The only problem I seem to be having now is unexplained fevers that last a day or two. Easter weekend it turned out I had caught a stomach virus. 24 hours on clear liquids fixed that. Last Saturday I had a low grade fever from about midday until sometime in the evening. Don't have a clue why. Yesterday I got a fever after breakfast. It didn't break until 10 last night. I'd have chills then they would go away and I'd be burning up. Extra strength Tylenol didn't do any good. Today, it's just a low grade fever. The only meds I'm on are Align (my probiotic - not really a med I guess) and Welchol (to help me with my bile absorption problem since they removed the last two feet of my small intestines). I was on my third day of the Welchol. The doc said to skip yesterday and go from two to one Welchol tablet beginning today. I hope I don't have many more of these "unexplained" fevers. I have to travel occasionally doing tech support and if the a fever hits me at the wrong time that could really make it tough for me. It's bad enough as it is. Is this something others have faced??
I run a low grade fever when I flare - usually not anything over 99 or normal temp is about 97.6, so 99 really is a temp for me.....
Yeah Lisa & Valin

me too, I think we all do from time to time, inflammation would make your temp go up over the norm. like if your tonsils were inflamed with strep or a virus, that would raise your temp, with a fever.
Paracetamol is good for lowering temperature, that's what I use
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I thought maybe it had something to do with the healing process since it has only been 7 weeks since my surgery. I don't remember having this problem 25 years ago, but I didn't get one of those hospital room infections either then. I also thought it might be the medication they were trying out on me; but fevers are not one of the side effects. It will be another three weeks before I go back to my doctor when he plans to discuss what kind of Crohn's medication he would like to try out on me. I don't have a clue what. My mother has had UC for years and one of my cousins has Crohn's. They are each on 6-Mercaptopurine and seem to do well on it. Maybe once he starts me on a Crohn's medication I'll stop having these fevers I hope.

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