Problems passing stool

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May 1, 2012
Okay I just got dishcharged from the hospital yesterday around 1 pm. 2 days prior to discharge I had a colonoscopy(upper) my gastro doctor said that my stomach isn't digesting food properly. My liver is doing its job by sending enzymes but I have ALOT of bile in my stomach which is causing inflammation in my stomach and I'm throwing up this bile so it's causin inflammation to my esophagus. Now that I'm home, I can't poop. Like it wants so bad to come out but I feel like I might possibly tare something. And also I get this hot flash but I have goose bumps at the same times. Idk if I'm hot or cold or both. I made a fruit smoothie with miralax in it and I ate a banana hoping it would help. Does anyone have a clue why my body is doing this or what else I can do to help it?
You may want to contact your doctor. You should recover from Colonoscopies within somewhat of 24 hours. I would stay away from dairy products, and since you had a colonoscopy, you may just be experiencing cramps and not actually have any stool to pass. It was a couple of days before I got enough to go lol. I would try a bland diet until you talk to your doctor. Be careful with laxatives, they can cause more problems.
If you did the 2 day clear fluids, then the prep solution to empty out, you most likely don't have anything left inside to poop out. So I would contact your doctor as I don't think your system should be this upset.

Crohn's "call the doctor" rules - If it is a new symptom - call the dr. If it is an old symptom but much worse than normal - call the dr. If you are bent over in pain - get off the Forum and go to the ER.

Hope you feel better soon.
I know for sure I have stool wanting to pass because very little bits of it come out but it's hard as a rock. Ik I'm like embarrassed to talk about stools but I guess it's normal for a Crohns paitent
I didn't have to do the empty out process since I got scoped from the top. My doctor didn't go in from behind. So I didn't have to do the preping this time around. That's why I'm a bit concerned about this
Don't be embarrased here!! Probably the only place in the world that you could discuss the quantity, color, shape, consistency & number of times you go and NOt gross anyone out.