Problems with pain medication...

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Sep 5, 2012
Bremerton, WA
I've been in and out of the hospital for the past month dealing with a partially obstructed bowel that just won't seem to go away. As a result of this complication, my doctor started me on Remicade as well as a high dose of prednisone. Previously I had been on a Pentasa/6mp regiment and was doing alright until the obstruction...

Anyways, while I was in the hospital they would just absolutely pound me with IV steroids and pain meds. It got to the point where I knew the different types of IV pain meds and could tell the nurses which ones worked best and which ones made me too drowsy or itchy. I would take the pain medication every time it was offered to me because I was facing pretty severe pain. To get out of the hospital, the stipulation was always that I had to be off of the IV pain meds and on to oral oxycodone instead.

So, after the doctors felt that I was well enough to go home after my most recent visit, they shipped me off with a prescription for 100 5mg oxycodone pills, to last me 12 days... A few days afterwards I saw my GI doc and he gave me a prescription for 100 more. I worked my way through the first 100 after about a week and went and got the other 100 and went through those in another week. While I did take them slightly more often than prescribed, I was only taking them when I was in pretty severe pain and took the prescribed dose, using additional pills for breakthrough pain... If averaged out, I believe I was taking about 15 pills per 24 hours, which isn't that unreasonable... Is it?

This led to me running out several days before I was able to see my doctor. Not wanting to deal with withdrawals or being in constant pain, I went in and saw a quick care doctor. He was a doctor who had looked after me in the hospital once, prescribing the pain pills in the first place... As I was talking to him he was very skeptical of me and after pulling up my prescription records and literally counting out the amount of pills I had been given, doing the math in the margins, he conceded to giving me 12 pills to last me the 5 days until my appointment...

This was quite obviously not enough, but I went home with them regardless and spaced them out throughout the next three days, taking them at 6 hour intervals during the day and dealing with withdrawals, pain and sleeplessness during the night.

On the evening that I ran out of pills I started feeling really crummy. Super restless and unmotivated, still bothered by the awful pains that I was having, so I decided to go back to the quick care office and ask if they could get me more to "hold me off" until I could see my real GI doctor. I was already nervous about going in and asking, as I had been pretty much labelled as an abuser last time I was there, but the pain discomfort I was feeling led me to give it a try. When I asked the nurse, she brought up my records and stared at them for a long, long time before saying that she would ask the doctor, but it probably wasn't going to happen. The doctor came in and talked to me shortly after, bringing a printed sheet of paper with my past 5 prescriptions, the places I had them filled and the doctors that gave them to me. She said she wouldn't be able to give me any more pills because the 200 I had gotten seemed like more than enough and because I was exhibiting behavior of abuse...

She cited that because I was getting the pills from multiple different practitioners (a result of getting them as discharge meds from whoever happened to be on call at the hospital, as well as having a prescription from my GI doc) and because I was getting them from different pharmacies (one is much closer to my house and one is closer to the doctor's office, so I often stop on my way back and pick up meds), that I must be a drug addict, fishing for my next fix...

A few miserable days later, I am still out of pain medication and still hurting pretty bad. I'm barely able to function due to withdrawals and pain from my intestines, which is still there despite taking 60mg of prednisone every day... Am I in the wrong here, asking for more pain pills because I had used them a bit more often than prescribed, because of the pain I was having? Should I be labelled as an abuser or addict? Am I an addict?

I'm really considering calling my doctor today and asking to see him to get more medication, because it's really hard to function without it. In the past he's said that he was fine with me being on the pills, so long as I'm using them to treat the pain and so long as I wean myself off of them when I was to go off of them. (which obviously didn't happen...) I don't know if I should go in and see him or not, because I hate it that I'm being treated as a drug addict, when I just needed a little bit more medication than was prescribed to me... I'm afraid that I'll be judged and ridiculed for going in there and asking for him to prescribe me more. So I guess the question is, do I go in and ask for more? Or do I just stay off of them for fear of being labelled as an addict or becoming addicted?
First off you might want to read through this thread:

Even if in your mind you don't want to be an addict and you do have very real pain, your body has gotten used to taking them and you are going through withdrawals. You and your GI really need to discuss where to go from here. You cannot keep treating the pain, you need the cause of the pain fixed. You're on a lot of steroids and it doesn't seem to be doing anything which to me means you're more than likely dealing with scar tissue rather than a lot of inflammation. No amount of medication can heal scar tissue. Honestly I think it might be time to discuss your options, including surgery. Best of luck to you and keep us posted. :)
So sorry you are dealing with all this. You are NOT an addict. You are person with a disease that happend to be extremely painful and you want relief! Doctors do not like to give out pain meds. They have to fill out a ton of paperwork everytime they do from what I heard.

Your body can become tolerant to the pain meds where they stop working as well and then you need them more often or in higher doses. I agree with Crabby, you GI needs to help you figure out a plan to get you better treatment to get your symptoms under control.

How long have you had crohns?? Did your GI doc say your obstruction was from inflammation or from scarring?

I've been in and out of the hospital for the past month dealing with a partially obstructed bowel that just won't seem to go away. As a result of this complication, my doctor started me on Remicade as well as a high dose of prednisone. Previously I had been on a Pentasa/6mp regiment and was doing alright until the obstruction...

Anyways, while I was in the hospital they would just absolutely pound me with IV steroids and pain meds. It got to the point where I knew the different types of IV pain meds and could tell the nurses which ones worked best and which ones made me too drowsy or itchy. I would take the pain medication every time it was offered to me because I was facing pretty severe pain. To get out of the hospital, the stipulation was always that I had to be off of the IV pain meds and on to oral oxycodone instead.

So, after the doctors felt that I was well enough to go home after my most recent visit, they shipped me off with a prescription for 100 5mg oxycodone pills, to last me 12 days... A few days afterwards I saw my GI doc and he gave me a prescription for 100 more. I worked my way through the first 100 after about a week and went and got the other 100 and went through those in another week. While I did take them slightly more often than prescribed, I was only taking them when I was in pretty severe pain and took the prescribed dose, using additional pills for breakthrough pain... If averaged out, I believe I was taking about 15 pills per 24 hours, which isn't that unreasonable... Is it?

This led to me running out several days before I was able to see my doctor. Not wanting to deal with withdrawals or being in constant pain, I went in and saw a quick care doctor. He was a doctor who had looked after me in the hospital once, prescribing the pain pills in the first place... As I was talking to him he was very skeptical of me and after pulling up my prescription records and literally counting out the amount of pills I had been given, doing the math in the margins, he conceded to giving me 12 pills to last me the 5 days until my appointment...

This was quite obviously not enough, but I went home with them regardless and spaced them out throughout the next three days, taking them at 6 hour intervals during the day and dealing with withdrawals, pain and sleeplessness during the night.

On the evening that I ran out of pills I started feeling really crummy. Super restless and unmotivated, still bothered by the awful pains that I was having, so I decided to go back to the quick care office and ask if they could get me more to "hold me off" until I could see my real GI doctor. I was already nervous about going in and asking, as I had been pretty much labelled as an abuser last time I was there, but the pain discomfort I was feeling led me to give it a try. When I asked the nurse, she brought up my records and stared at them for a long, long time before saying that she would ask the doctor, but it probably wasn't going to happen. The doctor came in and talked to me shortly after, bringing a printed sheet of paper with my past 5 prescriptions, the places I had them filled and the doctors that gave them to me. She said she wouldn't be able to give me any more pills because the 200 I had gotten seemed like more than enough and because I was exhibiting behavior of abuse...

She cited that because I was getting the pills from multiple different practitioners (a result of getting them as discharge meds from whoever happened to be on call at the hospital, as well as having a prescription from my GI doc) and because I was getting them from different pharmacies (one is much closer to my house and one is closer to the doctor's office, so I often stop on my way back and pick up meds), that I must be a drug addict, fishing for my next fix...

A few miserable days later, I am still out of pain medication and still hurting pretty bad. I'm barely able to function due to withdrawals and pain from my intestines, which is still there despite taking 60mg of prednisone every day... Am I in the wrong here, asking for more pain pills because I had used them a bit more often than prescribed, because of the pain I was having? Should I be labelled as an abuser or addict? Am I an addict?

I'm really considering calling my doctor today and asking to see him to get more medication, because it's really hard to function without it. In the past he's said that he was fine with me being on the pills, so long as I'm using them to treat the pain and so long as I wean myself off of them when I was to go off of them. (which obviously didn't happen...) I don't know if I should go in and see him or not, because I hate it that I'm being treated as a drug addict, when I just needed a little bit more medication than was prescribed to me... I'm afraid that I'll be judged and ridiculed for going in there and asking for him to prescribe me more. So I guess the question is, do I go in and ask for more? Or do I just stay off of them for fear of being labelled as an addict or becoming addicted?
I went and saw my GI doc today and he basically said he was gonna keep me on pain meds and steroids through one more treatment of remicade and then get a CT scan and re-evaluate to see if I need surgery. Right now my doctor thinks that my obstruction is a result of inflammation, but we're waiting until after my third treatment to see if it really is. Also, I was diagnosed with Crohn's in the summer of 2011.

The past few days have been miserable. I wasn't able to get my pain medication so I've been dealing with awful withdrawal symptoms on top of the pain and nausea. I told my doc about the problem I had over the weekend and told him I was dosing a little higher than prescribed, and he gave me 50 extra pills... So hopefully I won't end up in a predicament like last time, cuz the withdrawal symptoms are absolutely miserable! Luckily, my GI doc is all for the use of narcotics... Unlike all the other doctors I've seen, who sent me away to deal with the withdrawals, he actually understands my situation, which is nice.
Hope the Remicade works out for you ktp112. Pain pills and steroids are no way to live, especially the steroids. When you come off both of them your GI should be able to wean you properly so you wont have withdrawals with either one. :)
Yeah, the prednisone is the worst. i get horrible acne and a round face and it's just no fun at all. Probably my least favorite part of having Crohn's... I'm hoping that the remicade works out so I can go to just that for treatment.
Before I was initialy Dx with Crohns, I ended up in the ER many times. I was given pain meds on top of anti nausea meds. I was treated as a drug seeker at the beginnig too.
Then as time went on the pattern of high blood pressure and breaking out in red splotches, the ER doc said that was a clear indication I was in fact in pain. Ya just cant fake you blood pressure rising etc....

If I were you- if you need pain meds before your next visit call your regular Dr for a refill or use the same ER and the same pharmacy. Sure it could be a pain but, you dont want
them writing stuff in your chart thats not a true reflection of who you are and what you have. If you have to go the ER make sure you are in pain.

Crohns sucks and we have alot of prejudice to over come to get the treatment we need and deserve. Heck- for a good portion of us even our scopes cant reach our problem!!

Good luck and I hope you find relief very soon,

The problem was that no one but my GI doc would prescribe them for me and he wasn't available until today. So I had to deal with withdrawals from Sunday til now. But I spoke with my GI doc today and he gave me enough to last til my next visit, hopefully. I just hate being accused of being an addict by doctors, when I'm just in tons of pain... It's not fair that I had to deal with withdrawals on top of my pain and nausea all because some doctor was afraid of giving me pain medications. Urgh, the whole system here is messed up.
So, two weeks later, I'm dealing with the same problem. My doc wanted to keep me on pain medication until the Remicade starts kicking in, so he gave me a prescription for what should have been enough to last me the two weeks between appointments. Unfortunately, the past week has been pretty miserable and I ended up having to use an extra pill for breakthrough pain a handful of times, which threw off my dosing by a day. I called him this morning, saying I was out of pills, asking for a refill and he said he couldn't write a prescription, because he had given me enough to last me to my next appointment and he couldn't give me more without seeing me.

Now I'm dealing with exactly the same situation I was in two weeks ago, where I'm in awful pain and dealing with withdrawals, feeling like an addict and I can't get any sort of relief or comfort. I just don't know what to do. Tomorrow I'm going to have a serious talk with my doctor about what can be done so I can get off of the pain medications because I'm absolutely tired of living like this... But I have no idea what to do in the mean time, because, honestly, I feel like crap and no one is doing anything for me.
I'm so sorry to hear your in such pain and are unable to get relief. In addition to talking with your doctor, is there a pain specialist (md) you could see for a consultation?
I haven't looked into it at all, But I'm having difficulties gathering my thoughts right now.. I'm really hoping to get off of the pain meds as soon as possible, because I'm tired of living like this.... I need some sort of solution for today, because I'm feeling pretty miserable right now...

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