Prochlorperazine Maleate

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Undiagnosed Teenager
Dec 30, 2011
I've got to take this for my nausea. I've read the side effects and now I refuse to take it. I'm really worried about getting the side effects! I know it's silly but that's me.

I might have something wrong with my kidneys and it says not to take it if you have kidney problems. I don't want to risk anything.

I feel soo rough at the moment. I want to take it but I think i've scared myself into actually giving myself a side effect.. psychologically. If that makes sense?
Have you tried taking a piece of fresh ginger, peeling it, and dropping it into a teapot for a few minutes? Ginger is a natural way to get rid of nausea. The heat of the tea also helps soothe the belly. Drink as often as you want throughout the day. They say not to have after 6pm. Hope you feel better!

If you want, try the tea first and if that does not help, try the meds. However, make sure you tell your doc about kidney issue, in case they need to check that out and will change meds. Good luck!
Hey tash,

Mickey has a very good natural option for you there. :)

Unfortunately, as you know, all drugs come with an extensive list of side effects and many of them none to pleasant. Kidney issues will be flagged with most as that is the bodies primary way to excrete most drugs from the body. You can have kidney problems but still take a drug but yes, you must always inform a doctor of your problem before starting any new medication.

I wonder why they went to Stemetil over Maxalon? Perhaps Stemetil is more commonly used in the UK. My own children have used Maxalon in the past for nausea, as required, with no ill effects.

Dusty. xxx
I like mickey's idea. My dad used to boil milk and ginger for me to sip in bed. It's really soothing. And yummy! Sorry I don't have good info for you about the drug though :(
David - My GP doctor (general practitioner - wasn't sure if you have them in America)
Well, she isn't even my usual GP either, we just needed to see a doctor as mine wasn't avaliable.
Was the GP you saw aware of the kidney issues? If so then I am sure the risks versus benefits were weighed up and they decided the best thing was to have the medication.

If not maybe you could make a phone appointment with a GP just to double check it is safe for you to take?
Hi Tasha sweets! The Ginger tea is a good remedy for nausea. But I see it wasnt your regular Dr...have you been able to get in touch with your normal Dr by now? Peppermint tea is good as well for nausea by the way.

Hope you are drinking fluids to help flush, and kidney problems are the pits. Dont forget cranberry for kidney issues and flushing as well.

You know I'm over here luv...

Ya gotta keep calm and carry on sweetheart.. Breeeaathe.
Stargirl - Yes. When I couldn't see my usual doctor, we had to see this doctor and she thought ah okay, kidneys and then sent for the scans (which i've not had yet even tho they said last week) and she gave me the medications.

Terriernut - I haven't seen my regular Dr yet unfortunately. Mum made tomorrows appointment with the other Dr that mentioned kidneys.

I always drink a lot :)
Well, dont freak out just yet. Hopefully the scans will come back fine, and you'll be ok with this med. But, I'm glad you'll be in to see the reg doc very soon just in case! Glad you are drinking lotsa fluids, very good! Dont forget breaaathe!!!
Breathing is very important.. if you dont you might die!!!

Im loving lemon and ginger tea at the moment :)

Also correct breathing is a form of destressing. Make sure you drink plenty of water for your kidneys as well (coke does count as water btw :p)
Coke makes me super gassy and bloated! Worth it ;)

Update - I had my scan today. All my organs are perfectly healthy. That is good news that i'm healthy, bad news that i'm in pain and they don't know why. The lovely doctor said that the scan doesn't look at my bowels or anything linked to that. She can only see my kidneys, pancreas, liver, lungs, urinary track etc. So atleast my kidneys are good! I am seeing a specialist next week for my stomach/intestines/bowel problems. So, we shall see from there. :)

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