Hi Cheerbear
This is the first time I have posted but have reading for a couple of years. I felt I had to write as you are having a terrible time and I went through the same operation as you in May 2012. I feel really bad for not writing to you sooner as I have been reading your posts and things are not getting any better for you.
I got my bum stitched up after surgery but when they took the stitches out I kept complaining of really bad pain but was told it was just things knitting together. However about 3 days after the stitches came out I was in so much pain that I turned round in bed to ring the buzzer for the nurse and as I did so a big gush of blood poured out and soaked me and the bed. I have never seen nurses running so fast and I just screamed. They got me cleaned up and the surgeon came, he thought it had been a clot that burst through so decided to leave it a few days but it happened 3 more times and was terrifying. The pain would build up and then the blood would gush out, once that happened the pain went away. The surgeon gave me a CT scan and it showed a golf ball sized clot. He had to operate again a week after the stitches came out and instead of it being stitch again, it was left as a hole which was packed everyday. The idea of this is so that it heals from the inside out. He said it would take 3 months to all close up but it took 7 months and I saw a nurse everyday.
I'm sorry this was long but I think you may need your bum scooped out like I did and then have it heal from the inside out. Now that mine is fully healed I have no problems at all, no pain and no seepage. Your problems seem so like mine before I had the second surgery but my surgeon knew this might happen and was prepared, he said it is quite common in people who have their rectum removed and stitched up.
I really hope you get some relief soon but I would advise getting a sooner appointment with your surgeon than January.