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- Nov 3, 2010
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pyoderma gangrenosum
hi everybody,
im 24, was diagnosed with crohns when i was 9 and eventually had to get a temp ileostomy which was reversed at 16. then last november (just relized that was a year ago) i found a dark spot on my shin which was tender and it was originally thought to be a bug bite. it was lanced and i was given an antibiotic but never got better, only continued to get worse. i eventually found out it was pyoderma ganrenosum, which is a symptom of crohns. my dr wanted to put me on remicaid, but right before i went on it i found out i had hogkins lympoma. so last april i started chemo treatments for that and it caused complications with the crohns so once again had to get an ileostomy. this one may be permanent, i dont know yet. but the chemo also seemed to make the pyo. gang. worse as well. i now have a 3" by 2" patch of bright red and scaley skin irritation on my leg. i was put on steriods as a possible treatment but it didnt help. im now all finished with the cancer treatments by the way (yay!) but i just noticed a similar tiny black spot surrounded by tender inflammation on my hand. at first i thought it was a pimple or irritated pore on my hand but it hasnt gone away and im starting to worry it might be pyo. gang. starting up on my hand! ive lanced it myself but hardly any drainage comes out.
since hodgkins lymphoma effects the immune system it's uncertain what treatments are available to me to treat crohns b/c they usually all involve suppressing the immune system. what i'm mostly wondering is does anyone else have any experience with pyo. gang. ? does it ever go away?
hi everybody,
im 24, was diagnosed with crohns when i was 9 and eventually had to get a temp ileostomy which was reversed at 16. then last november (just relized that was a year ago) i found a dark spot on my shin which was tender and it was originally thought to be a bug bite. it was lanced and i was given an antibiotic but never got better, only continued to get worse. i eventually found out it was pyoderma ganrenosum, which is a symptom of crohns. my dr wanted to put me on remicaid, but right before i went on it i found out i had hogkins lympoma. so last april i started chemo treatments for that and it caused complications with the crohns so once again had to get an ileostomy. this one may be permanent, i dont know yet. but the chemo also seemed to make the pyo. gang. worse as well. i now have a 3" by 2" patch of bright red and scaley skin irritation on my leg. i was put on steriods as a possible treatment but it didnt help. im now all finished with the cancer treatments by the way (yay!) but i just noticed a similar tiny black spot surrounded by tender inflammation on my hand. at first i thought it was a pimple or irritated pore on my hand but it hasnt gone away and im starting to worry it might be pyo. gang. starting up on my hand! ive lanced it myself but hardly any drainage comes out.
since hodgkins lymphoma effects the immune system it's uncertain what treatments are available to me to treat crohns b/c they usually all involve suppressing the immune system. what i'm mostly wondering is does anyone else have any experience with pyo. gang. ? does it ever go away?