Question About Constipation

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 6, 2011
Hi I am new here and am looking for advice!

I got diagnosed with crohns about a month ago and I am on suppositories right now. Currently waiting to go back to the GI to get further information and figure out how to maintain this all.
Anyhow, I've been feeling really unwell for the past week (more than normal). On Thursday the intense stomach pain on my lower right side started. I am pretty much bed ridden right now. I called my doctor on Saturday and told him about my pain and the lack of a bowel movement. He told me to drink peppermint tea for the pain and take some miralax.
Well the pain is a little better. It comes and goes and is more a constant dull achy pain over my whole belly and then sharp pains on my right side. I have not had a bowel movement in five days even with the miralax.
I am feeling just icky. I'm 22 and all my friends are in town for the holidays and wanting me to hang out. But I feel sick and in pain but also just disgusting. Like I feel fat even though I keep getting compliment on my weight loss(ugh). And that I smell. And just frustrated.
Anyone have advice on how to relieve constipation and better pain controlling?
You can increase the Miralax and drink tons of water....

Honestly though, I would call your doctor back...newly dx'd you should be in contact with them in case it is an obstruction or something else more serious causing the pain and constipation...always best to check with your doctor!!!

Hope you feel better soon!
I would suggest trying some natural ways to get things moving....have only hot soup, hot teas...keeps body warm and will move things along; keeping it relaxed. Eliminate any cold drinks or foods, as that can further constipate you. You may consider whether you are allergic or sensitive to corn. I know when I tried metamucile, lax.,etc. I found more pain and trouble and then later discovered they had corn in them; something I learned my body rejects and it stops everything. Can be a problem. Google "Bikram wind removing pose" and try that, as well as belly rubs and that will help get blood circulating in the area (right side is ascending colon) and moving to your left side (descending colon). Keep your back and belly warm at ALL times. You do not want to get a chill and create more cramps/constipation. Look at what you are putting into your body and you will figure out what is causing your colon to reject it! No carbonated beverages, no alcohol (or, if you do, go for red wine, which is pure drink, and then no more than 2 glasses), no sugary foods. That would be a good start to reducing the inflammation and getting things moving. Hope it helps!
I also suffer from constipation.

- drink lots of water as the Crohn's causes inflamation and inflamation uses up a lot of water

- I take a stool softener every day - this draws water into the bowel

- I take a chinese herbal supplement based on licorice root which I find gentler than any of the laxatives suggested by GI or commonly used over the counter. This can be taken daily.

- walk some everyday

- if you can tolerate or like it - drink a cup of coffee every morning as it will also help move things along.

- I have used the following when I get really backed up -
- mineral oil
- fleet enema
- Ex-Lax - I usually will get the one promised movement but things may be still backed up "behind" that movement
- Once got some colon prep from ER when I went in thinking I was having a partial obstruction when was just extremely constipated.

If you stop passing gas or the pain starts to come in waves with vomiting, then get theyself to the ER as it could be an obstruction.

If it goes beyond 7 days without a movement I would get back intouch with the DR.

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