Question about weird symptom

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Jul 7, 2010
question about weird symptom

Ok so something new for me I thought is get some input on since I don't see the doc until Friday (seeing yet another one) I will go to the bathroom to pee but its like my butt is draining or something bc when I go to wipe there is poo or mostly mucous looking stuff. Even though I am not trying to have a bm or feel like I have to pass anything. Is this normal or what? Just something new I noticed that's been happening for a bit but wasn't sure. Thanks for any input.
Do you have leaking from your bum when you are not going pee too? Just curious. I know its happened to me on occasion but only when I have a bad flare and having a lot of bms in a day.
Yes sometimes its on my underwear but I don't feel leakage so I never know until I go to the bathroom and I see it in there or when I wipe. It's almost like sometimes something is also coming out when I pee that is discoloured looking.
I have an issue with mucus. Sometimes when I pee, I pass some without any warning. Other times I have a pressure feeling similar to needing to have a BM, but I will only pass mucus. It is very, very annoying. My GI suspects it is due to the inflammation in my rectum. I just started taking cortisone enemas to hopefully get this issue under control.
Do you have any leakage otherwise-if you wipe yourself before you pee is there anything on the tissue? just thinking maybe you have a fistula ? or even an you have any pain. I presume your urine is clear.
I was thinking fistula as well. I hate to say this, but you might want to yourself & see if you have any holes you shouldn't. :( I made the same discovery for myself a little over a month ago & it was not a good day. lol. Sorry you're having the trouble!!!

I agree......
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in Jan 2011, during a hospital stay and I have had anal leakage ever since. Sometimes it is mucus or blood or stool. Even when I have a normal bowel movement, there will be leakage for the next few hours. I do not feel it come out, but I have gone through many pairs of underwear. My GI does not seem too concerned about it and I tell him about it with each visit. However, he seems to keep me on cipro and flagyl in case of infection. Today, my leakage has seemed to stop, but I think that I have developed a fistula, which has started to output the same type of leakage. Very Frustrating. One step forward and many steps back!
Hey, this is a bit of an old thread but I searched "anal leakage" and this came up, and I'm having the exact same thing :(
I'll go to the toilet and it really hurts, takes my breath away sometimes. And then about 30mins later, I'll feel moisture and go to the toilet and there is a small amount of mucousey, loose yellow stool (sorry to be so graphic) on the toilet paper.
I also have very bad skin tags. I don't know if I have a fistula, I've recently had an MRI but haven't got the results yet.

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