My son was 16 when diagnosed. Possibly his first symptom was a back ache that would not go away after months and months. He had injured it and with hockey, we just assumed it wasn't getting the chance to heal properly. His ped recommended advils before every practice and game (he was on two teams, in hindsight, probably way too many advils
). At diagnosis, GI thought either the advils triggered his first flare or the backache was itself already a symptom of the intestinal inflammation. A couple of months before diagnosis, he started to lose weight, would have on and off again fever and diarrhea, canker sores, night sweats, fatigue, a bit of heartburn and some loss of appetite. Each occurrence seemed to last a bit longer and come a bit sooner. After numerous tests through our ped and a visit to a local emerg, we finally took him to Toronto's children's hospital and they tentatively diagnosed him within hours (confirmed by scopes).
I'm not sure if these were much earlier signs... at 4, 5, 6 years, his bottom would get really red and raw, we assumed he wasn't cleaning well as there were no other symptoms. At 7, 8 or 9, he would become constipated and would have quite a bit of pain; glycerin suppositories, however, worked within minutes and no other symptoms (he says now he remembers holding it because he'd be playing and would then become constipated??? For his entire life, he's always very much preferred a low residue diet... always assumed this was due to pickiness but, I wonder if it was simply his body responding to cues, ie high fibre was difficult to digest so he instinctively stayed away from it??
But, as was said above... kids without crohns get tummy aches, diarrhea, constipation, etc.... sometimes it's hard to be objective when crohns is so close to home.
I hope it's just a bug! :ghug: