Question for the females!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 3, 2013
This may be TMI lol but I need opinions. Just saw my doctor about results from my colonoscopy and she said their was 10-15cm of small intestine that is ulcerated and inflamed, biopsies came back inconclusive but doc said that is not uncommon, she wants to send me for an MRI to see the rest of my small intestine but she is 99% sure it is Crohn's. Anyway, do any females with cohrns have a hard time with sex? I have a lot of cramping and pain in my abdomen during intercourse and it's extremely difficult to enjoy or even desire sex with my husband. I also get ulcers in my mouth a lot so everything is pretty hard. Any advice on this? How to make it more comfortable or anything?
I wish I had some advice, so I could use it for myself. I have a lot of pain during and after intercourse, also. :( It really has been hard on our marriage.
I haven't had any trouble with sex. The only time I did was when I developed a peri-anal fistula, and once that was lanced and healed a bit that stopped being a problem.

If you are getting that much pain as well as extraintestinal manifestations like mouth ulcers, the advice I would give you would be to go to your GI, because you're in flare and that needs to be treated. I'm in remission and don't have any pain or problems. So once you get your diagnosis confirmed, that should hopefully be taken care of and you can go back to normal. :)
I'm really hoping once I get my final diagnosis we can get this treatment started and I can feel better. It is definitely hard on a marriage when intercourse is uncomfortable! I am just waiting for my appt with the GI specialist, haven't got the call yet! This process is so long.

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