question for women
I have colitis and its getting more pain when i have my monthly's The last couple months my period's more pain and flowing. Its awful and i get them every 3 weeks. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy on april 28 and my period lands right on it. I was going to re-schedule but it would take long, i've been waiting since nov. Should i go through with it, or re-schedule. I'm dreading the pain from p's and the prep work. Plus when i do the test i'll probably be flowing lots. Have any of you women done the test like this.
I have colitis and its getting more pain when i have my monthly's The last couple months my period's more pain and flowing. Its awful and i get them every 3 weeks. I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy on april 28 and my period lands right on it. I was going to re-schedule but it would take long, i've been waiting since nov. Should i go through with it, or re-schedule. I'm dreading the pain from p's and the prep work. Plus when i do the test i'll probably be flowing lots. Have any of you women done the test like this.