Questions about UTI pain and infection in stool

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Jan 20, 2012
Hey everyone, I'm relatively new here and just read through the thread on tips etc.
Here's my issue...

I've been having uti pain now for going on 5 years off and on...worsens with sex but doesn't cause it (at least I dont believe so)
I've been treated numerous times with antibiotics for the recurring UTIs, and I'm sick and tired of it. I want it to stop :(
Its debilitating for me sometimes. There's pain right after I stop peeing, intense pressure and sharp pain, usually fades, but sometimes stings the whole day. I drink more water and it helps the pain, but it still occurs. Now, I'm having issues in my gastro tract....they are: loose stools...resembling fish stool. I have this off and on, sometimes its more "log" like but mostly no shape, but held together. There'll be some bubbly stuff come out...on the stool which is sometimes pale and sometimes there will be fleshy colored mucus hanging to it. :/
Gross but it's the truth.
Now, I don't have abd pain like with a typical flare, but I do have this infection smelling liquid come out when i wipe..I'm really worried about all this. Any advice?

I don't know what I'm asking for but mostly wanting to know if anyone else has had these symptoms without having a fistula...I don't have gas coming through my bladder that I know of. It stings when having intercourse in my bladder. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks..:ybatty:
I forgot to mention it but i have had this recurring bump between my legs below my lady bits. It's come to a head before and drained twice, with smelly infection and blood in it. What in the world could that be? A cyst or something? :/

I took antibiotics through iv invantz and a stronger antibiotic for 10 days at home.
Hi Jessika
Sorry to hear you are having these issues :-( I had constant UTIs because of a bladder fistula and I know how draining and distressing it can be. Have you been to a GP or GI about the mucous in your stools and the bump? I really think you should as they are the best people to advise and help you to discover the cause.
Hi Jessika
Sorry to hear you are having these issues :-( I had constant UTIs because of a bladder fistula and I know how draining and distressing it can be. Have you been to a GP or GI about the mucous in your stools and the bump? I really think you should as they are the best people to advise and help you to discover the cause.

I'm going this Tuesday to get a referral to see a GI and maybe a urologist. It sucks having to wait but what else can I do?
Did you have to have surgery?
My uti pain had faded however the bump came to a head after showering and I took a needle and popped it. Out came the smelliest infection, probably two tablespoon fulls. :( it smelled just like the stuff coming out my butt, is this a fistula or just an abscess? Help!
Hi Jessika
Yes I did have to have surgery, but it put me into lasting remission and relief from all the horrible symptoms. That was for an internal fistula, though.
Your doc should be able to advise if you have a fistula or abscess. Sometimes they can see a fistula just by looking, or if not and they suspect one, they will send you for an imaging test such as an MRI.
I know it's frustrating hanging about for tests and results etc :-( How are you since you popped it? Did it give you some relief? Warm baths or sitz baths or a heating pad might be comforting too.

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