This will be long, so my utmost apologies.
Just a bit about me. 22 y/o male and I serve in the US military. US Naval Hospital Corpsman and im stationed in Okinawa, Japan. About two years ago I started developing some GI problems. A bit of LLQ abd pain which was diagnosed as constipation however I was still having frequent bowel movements. I received an Acute Abdominal Series and the ER Doc stated that there was rather large amount of stool in my intestine. With my limited knowledge of Xrays it looked more as if it were just some gas and I referenced it with a civilian PA who said that I really didn't have that much stool. A week or so passed I was still having the pains but additionally I was experiencing an increasing amount of acid reflux. The PA was so kind as to give me some zantac which alleviated both of the symptoms. She stated that this was probably an ulcer and if it came back to see her. About six months passed and after I ran a PT Test pushups/situps/1.5 mile run I felt terrible I couldn't visually focus on anything, ect. I eventually got nauseous and vomited a ton of blood. I had vomited twice before I decided to go into the ER where i was rushed to the surgery suit to get an endoscopy. My stomach looked horrible, like tenderized meat at the butchers store is the best way I can explain it. I was diagnosed with Helicobacter Pylori. The surgeon stated that there wasn't enough tissue to chance a biopsy. She was afraid i would perforate but was certain It was infact h-pylori I went in and got another endoscopy 3-4 months later where there was still inflammation of the gastric tissue and this time she got a biopsy... which of course came back negative. Long story well... not as long is they say I didn't have H-Pylori. They say its a stress related issue. However, after going to Mental Health they think that I manage my stress rather well. To this day I still deal with rather annoying symptoms.
I no longer have normal stool. Its usually either super loose yellow stool that is rather slimy and sticky and usually laden with what looks like plant matter, lower abdominal pain followed by extremely watery diarrhea that nearly brings me to tears due to the burning. Or just painless watery diarrhea. Ive noticed it goes through phases. I know when its going to get bad when I start getting very... very "noxious" flatulence for about two weeks followed by a rash on my torso which usually spans from my axillary regions to my hips and sometimes on my upper back, thighs, and anticubital spaces. A week or so of this and ill experience stomach (ruq) and LLQ pain with increase of frequency of the diarrhea. I've never visualized what looks like bloody stool. Also I'm a rather husky gentleman when I go through these phases ill drop anywhere from 5-20 lbs. If anyone would be so kind as to give me a bit of guidance so I can start pressuring the doctors to start pursuing a more definite path I would be most gracious.
Thank you for your time,
Just a bit about me. 22 y/o male and I serve in the US military. US Naval Hospital Corpsman and im stationed in Okinawa, Japan. About two years ago I started developing some GI problems. A bit of LLQ abd pain which was diagnosed as constipation however I was still having frequent bowel movements. I received an Acute Abdominal Series and the ER Doc stated that there was rather large amount of stool in my intestine. With my limited knowledge of Xrays it looked more as if it were just some gas and I referenced it with a civilian PA who said that I really didn't have that much stool. A week or so passed I was still having the pains but additionally I was experiencing an increasing amount of acid reflux. The PA was so kind as to give me some zantac which alleviated both of the symptoms. She stated that this was probably an ulcer and if it came back to see her. About six months passed and after I ran a PT Test pushups/situps/1.5 mile run I felt terrible I couldn't visually focus on anything, ect. I eventually got nauseous and vomited a ton of blood. I had vomited twice before I decided to go into the ER where i was rushed to the surgery suit to get an endoscopy. My stomach looked horrible, like tenderized meat at the butchers store is the best way I can explain it. I was diagnosed with Helicobacter Pylori. The surgeon stated that there wasn't enough tissue to chance a biopsy. She was afraid i would perforate but was certain It was infact h-pylori I went in and got another endoscopy 3-4 months later where there was still inflammation of the gastric tissue and this time she got a biopsy... which of course came back negative. Long story well... not as long is they say I didn't have H-Pylori. They say its a stress related issue. However, after going to Mental Health they think that I manage my stress rather well. To this day I still deal with rather annoying symptoms.
I no longer have normal stool. Its usually either super loose yellow stool that is rather slimy and sticky and usually laden with what looks like plant matter, lower abdominal pain followed by extremely watery diarrhea that nearly brings me to tears due to the burning. Or just painless watery diarrhea. Ive noticed it goes through phases. I know when its going to get bad when I start getting very... very "noxious" flatulence for about two weeks followed by a rash on my torso which usually spans from my axillary regions to my hips and sometimes on my upper back, thighs, and anticubital spaces. A week or so of this and ill experience stomach (ruq) and LLQ pain with increase of frequency of the diarrhea. I've never visualized what looks like bloody stool. Also I'm a rather husky gentleman when I go through these phases ill drop anywhere from 5-20 lbs. If anyone would be so kind as to give me a bit of guidance so I can start pressuring the doctors to start pursuing a more definite path I would be most gracious.
Thank you for your time,