Questions to ask at GI appt?

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Nov 13, 2011
questions to ask at GI appt?

I wasn't sure which forum to post this under. I'm looking for advice on important questions to ask my GI. I go for my followup appt in just a few days. Other than 3 CT's that show narrowing in small intestine, all other test and bx's have come back normal. After 7 months of pain, D and 45 lb weight loss, I am feeling good again. I am still running low grade temps, fatigue and my joints are hurting. At this point, I'm ready to quit searching for answers and just wait till next time. I worry that I will just deal with the pain thinking that it is IBS and ignore something more serious that may be happening. Does anyone have suggestions of things to ask my GI? What else can cause the narrowing and symptoms other than an ibd? I wish you all a happy and healthy new year!
I don't really know what else could cause narrowing and things like that in the intestine. so I'm assuming you have not been diagnosed? I would just ask the doc what they think could be causing the problems and just ask to keep being tested until they can give you a diagnosis and a good treatment plan for you.

I don't have much advice to you, but I wanted to wish you luck and I hope you get the answers you are looking for soon.
Hi, I would defintely still be asking about what has caused the narrowing and do not give up until they have the answer. I am pleased that you are feeling a bit better at the moment and would hate it if things started going wrong because the doc failed to treat the actual problem. Also at the end of the day you are still having some issues so something must still be going on.
Everyone is different, but in my case the terminal part of my small intestine is narrowed 50-75% due to the buildup of scar tissue from my Crohn's. My GI was able to see the opening of the small intestine during a colonoscopy and suspected I had Crohn's due to what he saw, but it was the results of a barium CT scan of my SI that confirmed it. The CT scan showed the narrowing and thickening of the SI walls.

I also have (and had before I was diagnosed) low grade fevers. I also had anemia and fatigue from a B12 deficiency and intenral blood loss. These are classic symptoms of Crohn's, as is the pain in your joints. Has your B12 been checked? This isn't normally done during routine blood tests, but it's another key indicator of Crohn's.

My suggestion would be to push this with your GI -- if not Crohn's, then what is causing the symptoms? I was initially diagnosed with IBS, and from what I have read on this forum, it appears that many people are not diagnosed with CD initially.

Hang in there -- regardless of what is ailing you, something is still going on inside you, and you deserve to have it fixed.
Thanks for the replies. I'm still confused about all of this and want to make sure I ask the dr. the right questions without sounding like i'm asking for a Crohns dx. I understand IBS is a dx when there is no evidence of IBD. I just feel like with the abnormal CT's and weight loss, there might be something more going on. I will ask to have my B-12 checked. I'm also having problem with staying cold and fingers and toes tingling and have heard that it could be B-12 related. I just figure that if he writes me off as IBS that I won't be going back to see him for awhile and I want to make sure I get all questions answered while I am there. I like my dr. and feel like he has ordered all appropriate test. He was convinced it was Crohns but now with all the normal test results I am anxious to see what he thinks now. I swear this is going to make me crazy!

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