Thanks May
Well, I am actually more confused now than I was before. The good news is he gave me pantoprazole 40 mg twice a day to help treat GERD. The bad news was that is my last resort in terms of medication. He told me to try it and to not worry about what is next (Ph monitoring- with the tube down my nose).
The next thing he told me was the first MRI that came back abnormal showed 2 different strictures in the jejunumn area. There was also abnormal folds (meaning thickening of the small bowel) in the illeum - so there are problems on both sides... which explains why I have been getting pain in the left side as well but too afraid to say anything. His dilemma is that all my blood work comes back fine which doesn't "hang" with what the images are showing. He still thinks I have Crohns however isnt ready to be definitive yet and neither are the technicians reading the MRI's. He is glad that I am having the laporoscopy done on the 5th because then they are able to see if it is adhesions that are pulling my bowels (he said endometriosis is like glue) and sticking them to the sides of my pelvic area. He also doesnt understand why I am flipping back and forth between diareaha and constipation (oddly enough, that is the part that makes most sense to me). Either way he understands why I would be experiencing pain but he said that I am puzzling him re: the blood work. He sent a note to my OBGYN to take biopsies of everything while she is doing the scope. The other thing is he is wondering about my pancreas. I don't even know what it does for me at this point so I will have to look that up.
The next steps are to have the MRI on Wednesday. If it isn't definitive either, then wait for the scope results. If it does come back of definitive Crohn's, then he wants me to go in and he will start me on a high dose of prednisone. He doesn't want me to go on that right yet because it has nasty side effects. If the MRI comes back as normal and it turns out to be endometriosis only as a result of the scope, then he will follow up with me next year. If the MRI comes back as abnormal again and if the lab results (blood) and biopsies come back as Crohns, then he wants to do a CT where he puts a tube down my nose and injects dye (I forget the name but that is the general jist). The clinical nurse also mentioned that I would likely have to have some of my intestine removed but is concerned because the distance between the two areas and he followed up with that is why they are needing a definitive diagnosis. I am a little confused not sure what the jejenum is and to have been told about 3 surgeries now kinda blows me away. The laporoscopy, the fundo wrap for GERD and now removing part of my intestines..??? So, once again I am left not knowing and just even more freaked out than I was before. I would love to say that I am hopeful that on wednesday I will know something. He told me to take it one day at a time - if the MRI is definitive for Crohn's on Wednesday (I will know thursday a.m.) They will call me. They also want to wait for 2 weeks after the surgery on the 5th (my b-day is the 10th) before they do the CT thing..if they need to...
so, no treatment. They had difficulty getting good images for my MRI which is why they cant get an accurate diagnosis. I am hoping at this point my only issue is endometriosis...thats all I can say