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Apr 22, 2006
I'm doing pretty well right now. I got an 80 on my first Bio test which is twice as good as I did on my first test last year on the same material, I hope it doesn't take me two years to pass each class.lol

Anyways I'm getting really into music minor right now and I just bought a classical guitar. I wrote a song on a regular acoustic and it sounds better on the classical so that's how it will go. I'm making a new music myspace because I can't log into my old one and I didn't like how it was set up. I'm going to start recording on Monday so hopefully sometime next week a new myspace will be up. If you guys woould like to have a listen and let me know what you think I would greatly appreciate it.

I went to a wedding last weekend and I ate way way way too much but I think I'm okay. I'm a bit constipated but I'm going to that bathroom everyday and I haven't taken miralax in a few days. I also need to dilate myself but that will have to wait for Sunday when I have the time and the day of recovery.

I'm going to meet my girlfriends grandparents and an aunt and uncle this weekend so I'm a bit nervous. I hope they like me. What am I saying everyone likes me.lol

I hope everyone has been doing well. I wished I could post more but most of the time when I get here someone has already answered someone's question or my brain is too fried from my damn math class. I can take a quiz or test as many times as I need to to pass and I took one quiz 5 times and I'm on my fourth try for the test which I have to take on Monday. I hate math. I just don't understand how letters can be substituted for numbers; it makes no sense. x this and y that, I feel like telling the damn computer to f off. Plus it's been over a year since I took math last and I can't remember anything.

Anyways done with rant

Hope all of ya'll are doing well and I always check the site when I get up and go to bed.

Talk to ya'll later

Glad to hear you're doing well! I look forward to hearing your music. I love classical guitars. I bought one a couple of years ago, they have such a beautiful sound.
Jeff, great to hear things are going better for ya:)As long as your too busy to post, we'll take it as a sign of things going good for you. Miss ya, but
I would rather have you feeling good and busy:)
Yeah between my girlfriend and school and playing a minimum of 1 hour of guitar a day, music homework lol, and now I need to get a job I'm rather busy. I'm trying to get a job at a local music store so I can play guitars, sell them, and do some teaching as well for less renting fees. I'll probably work about 12-15 hours a week so I have enough money to buy my girlfriend a xmas present and dinner and stuff and so I can start saving some guitar money. Xmas break starts a week after Thanksgiving so I have a month and a half to work about 30 a week or so.
How did the meet go Jeff?

I hope these women appreciate when we empty our wallets for them. They better. :smile:
(edited to add a smiley to show my sarcasm with my comment)
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Hi Jeff,

So pleased things are going well for you these days!! Great news to hear how well you have done in your recent test. I will say I never got the x/y thing either. I can only do math if I have something I can physically hold and look at for some reason i.e. an ampule of a drug I need to give a patient.

Its also great that you can resit as many times as you need to pass - that certainly will help take the pressure off in some respects hopefully.

Would be great if the job in the music store came off too so you can keep up your practice and make a little as you say teaching etc.

Truly hope things continue along this great path for you and you are able to enjoy getting out and about with your girlfriend.

Well done!!

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