Re-started Remi yesterday...

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Jul 13, 2009
Was schedualed to have it friday but after having to go to a&e on monday because I was passing so much blood , having tummy pains I got booked in early.

All in all things went pretty well! I have been off remi for nearly 8 months so having a reaction was a definate concern but we took all the neccisary precautions ( IV hydrocortisone, anti hystimine , having the reaction over the full 2 hours and staying around for a further 2 hours) and everything seems okay! :ysmile:

Now , last time I started remi I had a solid poo THE NEXT DAY and so much energy so it was a little discouraging when I slept for 12 hours after the infusion (guess I needed it lol). And then during the night I woke up a few times due to slight belly pain ( nothing major , but that kind of 'burny crohns' pain? I think we all know the one! Before I had my infusion the first thing I'd do in the morning is rush to the bathroom to have between 2-6 episodes of bloody , explosive diarrhea (nice!). But this morning I didn't feel the need but thought I'd try and go. My stool was still mostly liquid but no blood , tummy cramps or embarrassing noises! So that was great , although I am a little dissapointed it wasn't more formed.

A few quick questions for everyone , if I may.

1) How long did it take you to notice a difference after remi? did things improve gradually or was it instant ( like my last time round?)

2) I've been on 30 mg prednisolone for a couple of months now , and the a&e doctor said it was irritating my stomach. Could that be partly to blame for the diarrhea?

3) Do you think I can start introducing fruit and veggies back into my diet ( haven't had them in over a month!). If so , whats best to start with?

Thanks guys :D
My improvement with Remicade started gradually, and went to about 95% remission in a few months.
I bleed on and off, but it's not terrible frequent. For seemingly no reason at all.
I wouldn't be in any hurry to introduce a lot of fruits and veggies back until you are sure that you are feeling better. I would look up a low residue diet and try those things first. Anything with low fiber, no seeds or skins. I actually used to slice the outsides off of my strawberries to eat them with no seeds. Most canned fruit and veggies should be okay.
Glad you're feeling a teeny bit better after 1 infusion!
95% better thats great!! :) Yeah I've been on low residue for the past few months , itching to get back to eating things with flavour :p

Today I feel much better , I had some belly pains yesterday but that could be due to the pred as they where actual high up stomach pains as opposed to lower right hand corner pains, if that makes sense? So I went to the docs to get some pills that help protect your stomach against steroids - fingers crossed they work :) I ate some canned carrots yesterday , and fruit smoothie and that seems to have gone down fine ... Ohhh strawberrys without seeds .. will try that!
I just had my third infusion on Tuesday.

I noticed results the day after the first infusion but about 4 weeks out from my second infusion a lot of symptoms returned and the Remi was definitely wearing off. Well 2 days after my 3rd infusion and things are improving once more, no blood, down to 2 or 3 bm's a day as opposed to 4 or 5 a couple of days ago.

From those of you who've been using Remicade for multiple years does that sounds like the experience you had when you first started? I'm hoping things gradually improve as my body heals but I'm concerned about all the problems I've had these last two weeks and considering how quickly symptoms returned I'm concerned I'm going to stop responding to Remicade.