Real quick question on dosage

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 1, 2012
My GI put me on 4.5 mg since that was the dosage given in the penn state study but I noticed acne side effects immediately (testosterone increase). its been established through my med hx that I need extremely low doses of meds for my body to not act adversely. I stopped my ldn about 2 wks ago and now I'm goin backward with my crohns!! How was dosage determined for y'all?
I was just given the 4.5 Rx as per the study.

How long were you using 4.5? Are you going to try a lower dose?
I was on it for about 7 or 8 wks. I was doing just fine on it until I stopped. I'm hoping to go down but I don't know to what.... and my guess is that my drs don't know either... lol
My son is on 4.5 as well but should probably be 3.5 per the pediatric study by Dr. Smith. Maybe you could try the 3.5
Just wanted to say that I am back to feelin great on 3.5mg. :)) what a great feelin it is to take a crap and have it not hurt at all LOL
enumeras - Has LDN worked to keep perianal disease away? Have you had it since 2008? Just curious if people have successful treatment outcomes after abscess and fistulas and if this is an option for maintenance with perianal disease. I would prefer to have my 15 year old son on this than remicade.


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