Really Just want to vent about this stupid narrow minded man!!!

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May 4, 2009
I feel sooo angry!
I just came from a three hour seminar at uni, and the lecturer rly rly pissed me off!
He thinks he is gods gift and that he is so much better than us. Every chance he gets he talks about him self, if we look tired he tells us about how he has been up since 4 am ( we get this everyweek) He tells us about when he was an undergraduate and he didnt get all the help we do now.
Today he seemed to be picking on me alot!
Since I am one of the only ones in the class with a chemistry background he always asks me questions.
He asked me somthing and I said I dont know. He could obviously see how tired I am becuase he said ' I take it you are not a morning person' I said no and he said 'are you and evening person?' and i thought to myself 'no im a I want to stay in bed all day long because I have crohns and it makes me super tired kind of person' and he started babbling about a student he had once who was not a morning person or an evening person and he said to them well they better start to decide what they are.
I was getting more and more annoyed and was moaning about him to my class mates. He doesnt think about how anyone else has to live their lives or what we have to go through. all he thinks is that we are lazy students.
At the end of the lesson he was standing near me (and I must rly look as tired as I feel) becuse he asked me if i was ill.
I just replied 'Always' and he said 'your always ill?' and i was like 'yes' then i walked out the class!
Grrr soooooo annoying! I hate him! I wish he would just teach rather than try and give us life lessons on things that just do not matter!
Thanks for reading my rant!!
Now I need to come off the forum and get working becuase I have a dealine for friday which im rly stressing about.
x x x x x x
I would definitely have a meeting with him and make him aware that you have Crohns. I have had a few professors in the past that it was necessary to have that talk with them. I had one similar to yours but did not pick on me specifically but did the entire class. Some feel that they need to do that to be able to control the classroom better which there are so many other ways of handling situations.
Hey there I would have a meeting with him. I agree with jenn. I am also in university and I have told all my profs. I just find it easier and much to my suprise they have all been amazing. I will never ask for special treatment but I found that if I needed to leave class they were all very understanding and when I missed a MIDTERM! my prof didn't even look at my doctor's note and said not to worry just concentrate on the test and take as long as you need. All my profs have been great since I told them andI find life much less stressful with them knowing. I know I can even miss a class and catch up.
It is a good idea to talk. There were times that I went to class so sick and would fall asleep. I've slept so much in classes because of being ill. I just broke down one time and told one of my teachers how sick I was and she was really accomodating. She actually let me take my final at home!
Do you have a disability office at your school? I go to University full time too and at my school I have paperwork on file and paperwork that I had each of my teachers that tells them I MAY need accomodating...I usually tell them I have Crohn's as I hand them the paperwork so there is no misunderstanding if I get sick time totally embarrass him by saying "Actually I have serious, chronic illness that comes with extreme fatigue and I have decided this incurable disease is not understood by many insenstive people"
Carolyn- The annoying thing is I AM down as a disabled student. The uni does already know about me and so I thought did the teachers. I think it is likely that he knows but doesnt know it is me. I have him again for this afternooon. I have to go or ill miss the bus but ill write more later!
x x x x
I'd have spoken out at that point, Holly. I'm not you though, and I wasn't there so I can't say for sure, but just reading it, and having heard some of the stuff people say and having been treated the way I have, I'd have given him a smart ass remark.

Probably have said something like-- "Actually, to the dismay of your all-knowing self, I'm chronically ill with an incurable disease called Crohn's Disease, and the fact that I'm here, listening to how you're 'up since 4 AM' and I'm still trying to do what's right for my education whilst you belittle me, makes me want to remind you that sleeping will cure your fatigue, but as far as science is concerned, I will have my issues until my last breath. Now, can we get back to the material?"

Again, I'm an overzealous smart ass who no longer stands for egomaniacs or slanderous fools, but I'd have gladly uttered those words had I been in there and directed it regarding you.

I agree, talk to him, and at this point, depending on how reacts to the first news of it, be polite to start, but if he gives you resistance or more trash talking, be more firm and let him know the facts of the disease and any protection you may have at the university due to it.

Good luck.
you could always get yourself a t-shirt printed with the words 'Crohn's Sucks' and wear it to his lectures.... he'd get the hint without you having to confront him.
Sorry, but that sounds like bullying behaviour to me, and there's no reason why you should put up with it. Having said that, I probably would have put up with it when I was 18 years old... but not now. If you can have a meeting with the guy and resolve the issues, that would be good, but not an easy thing to do... otherwise I'd consider complaining about him. Make a record of the remarks and the dates and everything. the bottom line is not what he said, but how it made you feel... make a record of that as well, then he might stop doing it to other people.
Unfortunately you'll find his type everywhere.
OOH A challenge! I love writing letters - I am just off to see a surgeon about a lumpy bit, but when I get home I shall get my thinking cap on!
I have a t-shirt that has the crohns logo on the front and it says on the back, "it is a pain in the gut".

You seem like a shy type of person, I get that... but don't let this prof upset you. I am not sure about where you live but my daughter has different profs in the second semester, even though she has the same courses, which she hates, because she is lucky with her profs, just the odd time one has too much to say.

Does your semester end with this jerk soon?
Does anyone know where I can get some of those shirts. It may help people "get it".
I told him! He was moaning about me being tired again!
And I just said 'I'm ill! I've got Crohn's Disease!'
And he imediately looked shocked and like he knew he had been out of order!
He appologised for being horible to me and even said I could have extra time to do assignments if I wanted. I still dont like him though. Just coz he appologised doesn't make it ok. He shouldn't have been like that in the first place and if he is a lecturer at a uni he should know that people have different backgrounds and we are not all going to be healthy.
Oh well, hopefuly I wont have anymore rubbish from him.
x x x x x
Oh Well done girl!

Totally agree tough, the fact he apologised doesnt stop the man being a complete prat - but you certainly put him in his place!

Keep up the good work in being assertive!

Lishyloo x
Congrats. I won't ever ask for special treatment because of Crohn's but I told all my profs at the begining of the year and they gave me extensions on just about everything too! And I missed a midterm and he told me don't even worry about a doctors note just come in when you can :) I hope you have the same luck. Its quite nice and I find I worry less about it when I'm there=less stress= me feeling better:) Good luck with the rest of your year.
He shouldn't be condemning people to a "guilty until proven innocent" policy in the first place, so I'm glad you didn't let him off the hook. I'm all for forgiveness, but sometimes "I'm sorry" does not serve your sentence.

Off topic and to help ease the mood, an excerpt from my pal Demetri Martin:

"Saying 'I'm sorry' is the same as saying 'I apologize'.......except at a funeral."

:D Think about that one and smile everyone....:)
Haha, Just found this thread! Good that I can laugh about it now.
I had to have a meeting with him a couple of months ago. He made a point of asking 'How is your health?'
He said I looked much better and I had put on weight. He said I musn't try to loose it again! Clearly he is not the tactful type!
lol clearly not. I know it's bad but I love making people like that feel guilty.

I had a teacher while I was doing my A levels that decided to put me down infront of my entire class about how poorly I did on one assignment. He was my chemistry teacher too.. weirdly. Anyway, I bust of crying and told him I was really ill and on a liquid diet for 6 weeks. You should of seen the look on his face. He was horrified and couldn't stop apologising to me. Hah!

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