Recently diagnosed seeking advice!

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Jul 20, 2011
My name is justin, i just turned 20, and recently diagnosed with crohns disease. I am currently still in the hospital, i had surgery, they found untreated abcess and so much more, been here since the 3rd, havent steppd a foot outside since, i really just need to talk 2 sum1 who kan relate to me, not jus doctors nd nurses who "know" about it, but dont know exactly how it is living and dealing with it. Anyone with advice is welcome 2 tlk 2 me.. And id apreciate it!
Hi Justin!

I'm Jessica. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. Sometimes having IBD leaves us feeling like prisoners in the hospital or even in our own home, right? You've been there a long time. Are they treating you well?

I have been fortunate so far... no surgeries. I have had UC for 3 years that I can be sure of, possibly more. I am 34 but I've been dealing with IBD-type symptoms for half my life. I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was 17. And 11 years later, I started having wicked and debilitating joint problems. My doctor said it all could be related to the IBD. Who knows?

Do you have joint and skin problems, too? (As if CD isn't enough on its own...)

Hang in there. Feel better soon!
Apreciated it!

Are they treating me well? They were.. But they seem to over see me cuz of my age, im at a hospital wit nuthn but old ppl that r used to hospitals n such situations, this is my 1st time in 1 and they dont explain things to me very well, like i shud alredy kno this new stuff. Im being prepped for anuther ct scan cuz they found the abcess is nowhere near healing, wite blood cells are going up, (signs of infection) and now they r gunna determine whether they r going to have to just cut the piece of my bowels out! I got a house, wife, nd have been out of wrk.. Can i get disability u think? And my skin is bad, but maybe just becuz all these drugs theyre giving me..? I dont kno if pains r gunna b like this forever...? Do u have pains everyday? And i read that crohns increases osteoprosis, u shud see if u have that maybe? Will my life b normal?
I even have fistulas and dysplasia signs that i may hav colon cancer, i havent got a single bit of good news in weeks. Feels like life is going 2 suck frm 2day on. Sry so long mesage, jus got so many ?s
I know

Hi Justin, I've never replied to a thread before, but I read what you said and I can really relate. Although I'm much older than you (I'm 39), I can understand your fear and frustration. I am newly diagnosed 4 yrs ago, but now that I look back I know I've had Crohn's since I was 17. My first surgery was last Oct. The main thing I can tell you is to get a doctor that you can really talk to, doesn't rush you, and answers your questions to your satisfaction. This will be a life changing condition, but with your wife's support, a good doctor, and time you will be just fine. I promise! Good luck. If you need anything, email me at [email protected]
Hi Justin and welcome! I am sorry you are feeling so ill and are in the hospital. Crohn's is challenging, but once you get things under control and start treatment, you'll start to feel better. What are you taking at the moment? Did you have that second scan - how did it go? Hang in there, Justin!
Will my life b normal?

Your life will be different, but not necessarily bad. You'll just have to find a new normal. I love my life. Great marriage, great kids, great job. Crohn's hasn't stopped any of that from happening. It just adds an additional challenge to the day-to-day stuff.
Hi! I was recently in the hospital because of colonoscopy complications, and i know how hard it is to deal with! About 30 minutes after my colonoscopy I started to feel shaky which concerned the nurses so they brought me to an impatient room where I had blood tests and x-rays. The x-rays showed that I had an exessive amount of air in my stomach which was not normal. I had an ng tube to suck the air out along with daily blood tests and x-rays. After a week in the hospital I got to go home! Which was crazy exciting! I know the hospital seems like a black hole but your being taken care of and you'll be in good health soon! After the hospital I went 1 month without eating and just drinking special shakes, and I am currently in remission! I know right now it seems so hopeless, but there's definatly light at the end of the tunnel!
Justin, I can relate to what you are going through I was 22 when I was diagnosed and was in and out of the hospital every other week, and I am now getting ready to turn 38 and have had numerous battles. It seems like the end of the world and you think oh my is crohn's going to ruin my life. The answer is no you just have to make adjustments and learn to keep your head up and a smile on your face even when things get bad. I hope you start feeling better soon and get out of the hospital.
Justin, things will get better. its a scary thing to go through especially at our age. I have had part of my intestines removed (when i was 15) and honestly it was the best thing to ever happen to me. i was a whole new person afterwards. please message me if you have any questions. remember to be strong, and you can get through anything
Hi Justin-I am also newer to this site. I can relate to having people know about crohns but don't understand it. I spent the first year after my diagnosis in denial. I was very bad about taking my medications and refused to believe this happened to me. Slowly over the last three years I have come to terms with it. I am better about taking my medication and have realized that I need to make some personal lifestyle changes. My physician wants me to move to a higher level medication, more side effects, so I am more concerned and have taken a renewed interest in educating myself.

I would echo some of the other post, find a physician you can trust and who listens to you. This isn't the end, life still goes on and turns out well. I am in an upper management position, educated, married, and have two great kids.

My biggest struggles are with maintaining a good diet (very busy and frequent fast food way too much) and high stress with my job. I still forget my afternoon dose of medication but I am trying to be better.

I wish you well and hope you find this site helpful, so far I have.

Good luck to you!
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I think you must know by now that you already have a ton of friends here. You have definitely come to the right place!

About your disability question: It doesn't hurt to try. It's probably more likely that you could get temporary disability, especially with your current situation. It is a lot of paperwork so it should keep you busy.

I'm really sorry you feel so neglected there at the hospital, but you are definitely not neglected in this forum.

Good luck and get well! *hugs*
how was today?

Hi Justin,
I'm so glad you emailed me. I just wanted to see how today went. Like I told you last night, even though I am an Intensive Care Registered Nurse, I still don't know much about my Crohn's!!! Anyways, I've never been part of a forum or thread, but you really touched me, and I can understand how alone you feel. BUT, you aren't alone-you have me and the rest of us here.

I promise things will get better even if it doesn't seem like it right now. Take each minute by minute and don't let yourself get too overwhelmed. Stress is horrible for us.

Take care and my thoughts are with you and all of you who support each other here. Thanks! Nancy
Nancy, Massillon, Ohio
Diagnosed November 2006
Meds taking currently: Humira, Vitamin B Injections, Multivitamins