Recently Diagnosed with Chron's: Are these all chron's symptoms.

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Jul 27, 2011
Recently Diagnosed with Chron's: Are these all chron's symptoms???

Hi everyone!
Excited to be on the forum, well not excited, well you know what i mean.

About two months ago I was diagnosed with chron's. This was after about six months of not feeling quite right and finally going to get checked out.
I have had some of the typical symptoms of Chron's such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. Typical GI things that come with the disease. However, I have also had some other symptoms that I would not normally associate with the disease. These are:
Fatigue, sometimes blurry vision, getting dizzy/slightly blacking out sometimes if I stand up too fast, painless red bumps on the back of my tongue, dry mouth, and what feels like constant bad breath coming from the back of my throat or sinus area.
All I am taking so far is Pentasa twice a day.
Has anyone experienced/have any advice on any of the latter symptoms?
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I have also had blurry vision, and dizzyness. Do you ever feel any heart palpations? There are quite a few ppl on here who have also had some issues with and irregular heart beat. Sometimes this is ok, and sometimes not. You should deff keep check on it and make sure you let your GI know.
Welcome to the site, lots of good ppl here
You know I don't know about heart palpatations, but my heart does beat very hard. Even my girlfriend has commented at times that my heart beats so hard it could be a problem. Does that qualify as a palpatation?
Hi, tmfjets07, I have had crohn's for 21 years now. i was in remission for 15 years and now it flared up again recently. crohn's effect any part of you digestive tract including your mouth to you anus, so, that's no surprise. you will feel bloating, stomach gurgling and pain in the abdominal region especially on your right side.but, it could be all over the place. it's good to it get checked out by a GI specialist to make sure you have IBD.
Welcome to the forum! Yes, I have experienced issues with my tongue. I didn't have sores, but it would get so swollen it would be difficult to talk. It wasn't painful, but it was certainly uncomfortable.

My GI didn't think it was related to my Crohn's, but I saw an ENT doctor and he said my symptoms could be caused by lack of certain vitamins. Also, I had a possible mild case of thrush.

How are you making out with the Pentasa? Feeling any better?
You know what, I did a lot of research on the tongue thing yesterday and it turns out I jsut have swollen tastebuds. No one really knows why tastebuds in the back of the mouth are very prominent for some people. In my case, the swelling just happened to coincide with being diagnosed with Chron's.

The pentasa is actually working pretty well, thank you so much for asking! I am eating fairly normal again, and have not felt uncomfortable for the last week or so. The fatigue has also started to go away (I think this has to do with being able to eat again).

Also, I have added cliff protein bars and ensure to my diet. These have given me an extra boost that have really improved quality of life.
Welcome to the forum!

I've had the dizzy, fatigue, dry mouth symptoms that you've mentioned. Like previously mentioned, it's a very personal disease. What happens to you might not happen to someone else. I've had mouth sores, heart palpatations, tremors, extra pruney hands, back aches, migraines from hell, twitching intestines, etc.

Hope you can find what you're looking for here. <3
Hi everyone!
Excited to be on the forum, well not excited, well you know what i mean.

About two months ago I was diagnosed with chron's. This was after about six months of not feeling quite right and finally going to get checked out.
I have had some of the typical symptoms of Chron's such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, etc. Typical GI things that come with the disease. However, I have also had some other symptoms that I would not normally associate with the disease. These are:
Fatigue, sometimes blurry vision, getting dizzy/slightly blacking out sometimes if I stand up too fast, painless red bumps on the back of my tongue, dry mouth, and what feels like constant bad breath coming from the back of my throat or sinus area.
All I am taking so far is Pentasa twice a day.
Has anyone experienced/have any advice on any of the latter symptoms?

I was also diagnosed two months ago after 6 months of feeling awful and I have experienced ALL of those symptoms! Wow, even down to the dry mouth that drives me crazy! I'm on Pentasa aswell as a tapering dose of prednisone, sadly currently stuck at 20mg with no more tapering for now....most symptoms have subsided now but do still get a really dry mouth and my sinuses are still yuk, not sure what thats about?!
I'm glad that I came across this thread. I have: heart palpitations, dizziness, and some of the other things mentioned. I didn't know that they were Crohn's related, but, "if the shoe fits."
I have UC, but still have all of these symptoms. The dry mouth is often because we get so easily dehydrated. I always have a bottle of water with me now-days. It helps quite a bit, but still always kinda feel dry.

I also have the dizziness / blacking-out problem, but sometimes actually pass out. I was diagnosed with syncope last year - associated with UC, I'm sure.

Heart palpitations, too. They scare me a little.

My vision is very blurry, too. I am extremely sensitive to light now, and need to wear sunglasses at all times outdoors, and many times indoors, as well. Do you have that issue? I haven't seen any threads related to that one yet. A pharmacist friend told me that it sounds like Uveitis, but I'll need to chat with my doc about it to know for sure.

I'm really sorry about your recent diagnosis, but I'm glad that your meds are working!
Be well!
Hey, sorry to hear about your symptoms. I too have a problem with mouth odor and discovered it was caused by thrush in my throat. From there I believe it spread to the back of my tongue and caused my taste buds to swell up. Treating with Diflucan, coconut oil, and hydrogen peroxide has cleared up most of my tongue and my taste buds are going back to normal size.

I'm guessing that if they stick out noticeably above the surface of your tongue, they might be swollen from thrush on your tongue. Does your tongue burn sometimes? How about your eyes?
The fatigue has also started to go away (I think this has to do with being able to eat again).
Hello and welcome to the forum...yeah it is a bit strange writing that tm.
Fatigue is a common enough symptom when you are not getting enough nutrients into your body. Dizzyness can be a side effect when taking Pentasa.
Kep an eye on it and I would say if it persists or shows signs of getting worse consult your doctor.
Glad your feeling better.
I have also suffered from dizziness and blurry vision also tiredness is a major symptom i suffer from. When u metioned about ur heart beating hard i slso experienced that when i was in hospital for a bad flare up i felt my heart beating hard but i had it checked out and they said my heart was normal so i have no idea what that was all about.But hope ur well.x