Hi, I was diagnosed with crohns disease july 2012, since then I have had major flare ups which resulted in me being admitted 7 times in total in the last 4 months. When i had my CT scan done, the surgeon that examined the scan told my consultant that I would need an operation to remove part of my intestine due to the scar damage which would not improve but get worse. The consultant said he would like to treat it with anti-flammorities in the hope of reducing the swelling and that the op at this stage would not be necessary . As you meant to trust the doctors I never thought anything else of it being a newly diagnosed patient I had very little info about the disease and the risks. Shortly after i was discharged. 2 weeks after being allowed home I was admitted again (late september) due to severe burning pain in my abdomen, which I thought was another flare up, so went back to hospital, although coped for a couple of days before the pain became to unbearable. I had to wait 2 and half hours in the waiting room before I was even seen. When I finally went through, they apologised saying I shouldn't have been kept waiting. They done the usual x-rays and bloods, about half hour later the doctor came in with a consent form saying they needed to operate as they had a "slot". I was pretty scared as know they don't operate that way and considering it was about 10pm at night I know it wasn't standard unless something was very wrong.
I woke up the next afternoon in intensive care, apparently I found out in early December that my bowel had split wide open allowing all the toxins to poison my body. I had no idea of the risks of this happening as I wasn't told. I was attached to a ventilator as wasn't breathing for myself, I had tubes coming out everywhere and my poor daughter crying and my husband very anxious as it was touch and go whether or not I would pull through. Thankfully I did. Although if I hadn't have gone into hospital when I did, I would have been dead by the following morning. I was in hospital 9 days in total on that ocassion. I had a foot of intestine taken away and was fitted with a stoma bag for 6 months.
Since then my body is not absorbing the nutrients I need, as my ileum was taken away. I have to have B12 injections regularly now and my bloods done weekly as my potassium level is too high and my sodium too low?? I still can't come to terms with everything that has happened and find it very difficult talking about it verbally without crying. I am currently still off work while I recover. I am constantly getting leaks from my bag which can be upsetting, I sleep sitting up and daren't lay down as tend to get more leaks. My stoma nurse has tried all different kinds of bags and I also wear a belt but none of this helps, I still get the leaks
I know I am lucky in a lot of ways as I know some people wear a bag permanetly which must be very difficult. I am just so angry that I wasn't given any info on crohns and the risks of it bursting, had I have known I would have gone into hospital sooner as I thought it was another flare up, how wrong I was.
I hope no-one ever has the same treatment I did and I said I'm still coming to terms with how I nearly lost my life due to the doctors not doing their jobs properly and informing me of the risks. I'm trying to get my life back on track in a positve way but this tends to be difficult at times. I want to go back to work, but am scared as I get so many leaks I know it would interfere with my job as a supervisor particularly if a member of staff rings the bell while I changing my bag as its not a five minute job. I just don't know what to do...
I'm sorry for rambling but know you guys on here will understand. Thankyou for taking the time to read my comment.
Best Wishes