Rectal bleeding

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Sep 22, 2015
Hey all,

I'm pretty new to the whole crohns thing and I see a few post of people who have bleeding but it is something new to me.

I was away on vacation last week and was pretty constipated the first few days. I was finally able to have a bowel movement which came with what I think was a hemmorhoid, bigger than I have every had before. I have had small ones that have never bled but sometimes get a bit of blood when I wipe after a difficult BM. Sorry if this gets too personal...this one is about the size of an almond and is pretty painful. The first day that I had it there was only a small amount of blood when I wiped but on day 2 it was flowing freely. I bled through my clothes and woke up in the middle of the night in a small pool of blood (this was Monday night). It has slowed down since but it still bleeding and has a very horrible smell.

I have a call in to my family doctor but I didn't know if this is something a bit more serious, should I go to the clinic or contact my GI? Is this normal?

As a note, before I left on vacation I was told I am in remission.
I seem to be in remission as well but I have had tons of bleeding hemmies over the past year, so yes, that can definitely happen independent of a flare. Your doctor - GP or GI - should be able to do an anuscope in the office. If you haven't had one done before, it's literally just a tiny little scope that they use to look inside the anus and rectum and can see any hemorrhoids and confirm that that's the cause of the bleed (no prep and no sedation needed, it'll probably be uncomfortable but shouldn't hurt and only takes a second). They may also do the old "finger up the bum" check to see if they can feel for hemmies - once again, uncomfortable, but at least there's no prep and it's over with quickly.

For my hemmies, I've been prescribed steroid suppositories and those work fairly well for me - I presume you'll likely be prescribed something similar, but if you want to ask your doc about the suppositories specifically, I believe they're called Anucort. And yes, unfortunately, hemmies can bleed a ton sometimes and have the capability to ruin your pants - sorry to hear that happened to you. I keep pantyliners on hand at all times in case I feel like my bleeding might ruin my pants (my last bad bleeding hemmie, for some reason I thought it was a good idea to wear khaki pants to work that day! Eek!). Sometimes even my farts can be bloody and sometimes my backside just randomly drips blood, so I have to be really careful.

It's probably fine to see your family doctor - but, if you experience anything like dizziness or light-headedness, that can mean that you've lost a bit too much blood and should get checked out right away. Good luck and I hope the darn thing heals up soon!
I was told I was in remission last year but they checked I am not. If he doesn't call soon, call him again.
I can't get in to see my GP until Monday and my GI told me to get it checked out so off to the clinic I go :redface: Not happy that I have to bare my ass to yet another Dr. This is such an embarrassing disease.
Dr confirmed it was a hemmorhoid, a big bloody one he said. Got a prescription cream and told to sit in salt water warm baths. Also a good idea to use stool softeners until it has cleared up.

Thanks for the support
my son did a colonoscopy before 1 month and he has a flare and they classify him as moderate to severe and they said he should start humira instead of imuran 100 mg and we refused because he is studying outside the country and we want to start it after 2 months in his vacation , so doctor raise imuran to 150mg and add budenfalk rectal foam, my son also start modulen IBD and in week number 4 he was so tired from it so we add only 1 meal for him daily and ensure plus and today he noticed diluted small amount of blood in the wipes , any idea
my son did a colonoscopy before 1 month and he has a flare and they classify him as moderate to severe and they said he should start humira instead of imuran 100 mg and we refused because he is studying outside the country and we want to start it after 2 months in his vacation , so doctor raise imuran to 150mg and add budenfalk rectal foam, my son also start modulen IBD and in week number 4 he was so tired from it so we add only 1 meal for him daily and ensure plus and today he noticed diluted small amount of blood in the wipes , any idea
I know that most Ensure has carregeenan in it which is supposed to be bad. Ensure Complete does not have it.

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