Red Meat

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Aug 28, 2010
Hi everyone. Hoping you are all having a pain free day!!:thumright: I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on red meat?There seems to be a big debate as to weather it is bad for those of us with IBD. I have not eaten any for a very long time, and I really miss it. I would really appreciate your opinions. Has anyone had a problem with it?
Thanks folks! Linda
I've personally never had a problem with red meat. I'd be gutted if I did!
I know a lot of people with IBD do as it can be hard to digest.

You could try having a small amount and see how you feel after?

Hope you're having a pain free day too!
No beef for me, but Buffalo (bison) has no ill effects on me. In fact, I just ate meatloaf and I'm feeling great! You can't even tell the difference between beef and buffalo other than it won't land me in the hospital. It has less fat which is probably why it doesn't effect me like beef. But beef...OUCH! No way, not anymore.
Hmmmmm, Linda, your timing is spot on!

I hadn't eaten beef for 2 years. I had a 4oz. steak last night, I didn't even finish it - and, boy, did I regret it! I knew almost immediately it was a mistake. Urgh... I'm a bit better now, but almost feel like my stomach has a beef-hangover... :S

Like Lucinda says, you can try a bit for yourself and see if it does affect you... but, in my personal experience, I definitely won't be eating red meat anymore! I can handle bison, perhaps because it is leaner; I don't think game is technically considered red meat anyways, and I seem to do OK with it. Everyone's different, though, so don't let me bring you down - just my .02 :)
Didn't eat red meat for 14 months. Had a meatloaf sandwich the other day and damn was it good! I was perfectly fine - no ill effects. But I will probably still seriously limit my red meat intake - both for Crohn's purposes and just general health.

Good luck - I would say "everything in moderation" but that would be hypocritical as the meatloaf sandwich I had was HUGE!!!

- Amy
Red meat has a lot of saturated fat which promotes inflammation so it is bad to eat too much of it. It also seems hard for some people to digest. That being said, if you can tolerate it, it is a great source of iron, and putting on weight if you need to. As long as you eat the lean version and try to take as much as the fatty sections out as possible, I don't see why you can't enjoy it occasionally.
Roo hasn't liked red meat since her diagnosis four years ago. She is off it completety now but were she to eat it it would cause cramping and bloating.

Dusty. :)
I find minced (ground) beef is OK for me. Possibly because mincing it breaks it up, or maybe its because more fat comes out while cooking (I always drain it once it's fried and before I add anything else to it). I probably have it twice a week.
No beef for me! It was the first thing I changed in my diet when I was diagnosed. It KILLS my tummy! However, when I had my ostomy, I could eat almost anything, so I did enjoy a little steak once. :)
No problems

I do not normally have difficulty with red meat if I am having a good day. If I am having a bad day even broth will bother me. I stay away from ground beef however because for some reason that does bother me. I do eat a lean steak about 2 times per month. More if I am feeling very run down and tired as the iron seems to help me with that.

As you can see, you will get different answers from different people. My suggestion: if you have not had it in a long time, go VERY slowly. I have vegan friends that cannot evn have beef based broth without horrible stomach cramps and they don't have any gut problems.

Best of luck to you,
I've not eaten red meat for about 6 months now, just out of curiosity really, and the fact that it gives me the creeps! The thought of red meat rotting inside my guts for weeks on end knocks me sick! I've felt much better for it too! Reducing red meat also reduces the risk of bowel cancer too (says she, smoking a fag!)
I eat a lot of fish and chicken, I love salmon the best. Easy to digest too.
Meh, I've restricted my diet way too much in the past. There's never really been a time where eating red meat has caused me any damage so I just go for it. Yum!
Thumbs up to red met. :thumleft:

I eat T-Bones regularly; the key is how you serve it.
No sausages at all, no oil, just the meat, fire and salt.
Remove the fatty parts on the sides and you would be safe.

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