Red pimple near vagina

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Feb 25, 2010
hello everyone. Problems just keep adding up and its getting harder for me to handle. On monday i noticed small red pimple looking near vagina that was lower, not good to explain. I was to see dr. that day so told him, he didn't look at it, just said abscess, and gave me antibiotics.. Didn't take them yet becasue when i got home that day, the pimple was flattened and a small red spot is there andnoticed no discharge on underwear. Yesterday was putting hemmi cream and that when i noticed redness and swelling on left side. Its a bit uncomfortable. So yesterday i see a dr. on call who said i don't know your background and said to take the pills if pain get worse and he sees no abscess. I don'tknow if he checked good. I checked around and can't find no lump. I used some canastan cream on it today. I figure if it gets worse i'll take the pills- kefelx. I really hate to take them as now i've been having d once a day and scared to make it worse. What should i do. I have always felt for past year abit raw, like not bad so that's why i didn't pay attention to it. I saw a gyno last sept for a pap smear andmri and they turned out okay, but i never mentioned that feeling to him. Also did a treatment of canastan 2 weeks ago on my own. Also the last year i always felt slight tenderness on the left side of vagina. I think the pimple threw me off in thinking a abscess. What do you think, please i need someinfo. I can't really do anything now becasue the weekend is here and they really don't do much lab work on weekend.
Pimples and things can occur anywhere on the body so it might be nothing, but if you're having problems 'down there' perhaps you should go and see your GP? They should be able to make a quick diagnosis and prescribe something appropriate. If your doctor didnt look at the problem how does he know what it is? There's plenty of relatively harmless things that can go wrong with ur lady bits :) it might be nothing, but someone should really have a proper look and figure out exactly what's wrong. Speak to a doctor you trust and tell them all the symptoms you're experiencing and I'm sure you will find out what's wrong. Good luck :) x
OMG. If it's a Bartholin's cyst you will know it. It will get very painful very fast. I had one last summer and thought I was going to die. If it starts to get much more painful, get yourself to the ER right away. Do not wait the entire weekend.

Mine went from slight discomfort to excrutiating in the span of four days. I got it drained and opened, the doc said it had grown to the size of a lime. A LIME!!! The doc said it's very common, though I had never heard of it.

Good luck, keep an eye on it and do not wait if it gets worse!! - Amy
I just checked it and the redness went down slightly but its still abit sore, not severe. Its kind of hard right now to go out of town becasue some roads are overflowing, there are alot of floods in my province right now. If it does get more pain, then i will go in, its about 1/2 hr ride. When i look at it i see no lump, i looked up some pictures of it and so far it doesn't have that lump. Have any of you had to take antibiotics when you had d and did you stop them if d got worse. I've never heard of this also, i quess there aremany things out there we can get. I did look up what you mentioned and it does sound like it except for the lump.
I had a lump on the left side of my labia, below my vagina. The doctor had a look at it initially, and suspected what Joan and Amy referred to, Bartholin's cyst. Like Amy describes, mine went from uncomfortable to painful really fast and was lucky enough to get an appointment with my GI right away. Mine wasn't as big as Amy's or likely as painful, but it was enough to concern me. The GI had a look and figured it wasn't the cyst, but a recto-vaginal fistula.

He prescribed antibiotics which I took for 10 days. I've had experience with peri-anal fistulas, so I also hot compressed the fistula to get relief and to get the fistula open and draining so it didn't require a surgical draining.

The antibiotics I was on was Clarithromycin and Flagyl (he would have prescribed Cipro and Flagyl except I have a really hard time with Cipro). My stomach hurts and d does get worse, but I try to stick it out because within a few days, I get such a relief from my symptoms. I take the antibiotics with a lot of food and water, which seems to help. I also keep munching on things in between to soothe my stomach. I also consume A LOT of yoghurt.

I know that there's a couple of provinces with flooding. My GI had said that whether it was a Bartholin's cyst or fistula, he would have prescribed antibiotics.

Good luck, Matty---I sure hope you find some relief soon!

Matty - hope you're doing okay today.

My "lime" was mostly on the inside - on the outside, you could see some swelling, but 90% of it was inside.

I really, really hope this isn't it, and that it turns out to be nothing serious!

- Amy
thanks so much for replies. Today its still the same and still a bit sore, but i notice some pain on that side up where ovaries are, but i do get that pain from time to time. I'm going to ask dr. to refer to a gyno. I think i will start the antibiotics and if pain gets a bit worse i will go in. As for the antibiotics, i'm also scared to get c-diff which i had before. One more thing, i;ve readup on this bartolin cyst and its says that is where the discharge comes from and it gets blocked, but i had some discharge today. Lastly if everything is okayfor weekend, i will go in monday morning to hospital for a swab and to check me there. Its hard here to go on weekend, there is no lab, but if emergency they send for someone, if its not too bad they give you something and tell you to come back monday. If they take samples they say it has to wait tillmonday to go out and sometimes they want a fresh sample.
I just did a internal check myself and yes i feel a big lump inside. Thanks so much for replies, i would not of know to check inside because it wasn't really swollen much on outside. I justnow took my antibiotic ceflex and hope it doesn't upset my stomach. Thank you so much for info, this site is so important. There was getting pain where the ovaries are. What will happen now, will the antibiotic settle it. I'm so mad at the dr on call i seen on thur, he just checked on the outside and not inside. Thanks again and i hope this heals.
okay i feel a bit stupid i think. When i felt that lump, i checked it fast and went in to dr. on call and he counldn't feel anything, just toward the anul area which he said just might be normal for me because he's not seen me before and doens't know me. I checkedit when i got home and i don't feel that hardness to the right or left, it down toward rectum .. i don't know if i ws like that all my life,i never paid attention. But the redness a abit swollen is still there and its slightly sore. He said possibly yeast infection and suggested i don't have to take the antibiotics. He said to go to my dr. on monday to do a swab. I feel so awful, all these dr's i seen and no dx. Do any of you have that hard feeling in the vagina down towards rectum and i feel it right away when i put my finger in. Sorry not good at explaining.
Hi Matty - Glad the pain isn't too much worse. Hopefully you can make it thru today and then get to see the "real" doc this week. Are you going to see the GI or the gynecologist?

I can't give you much advice or guidance on what you are feeling. But if something feels "different" or it is giving you pain or discomfort, then that's def a warning sign and you should get it checked out. Personally, I would start with the gyn, but still put in a call to your GI to cover all bases. When I had my Bartholin's problem, I saw the gyn right away but my GI also had me get an MRI just to make sure nothing else was going on like an abcess or fistula.


Hope you can get a clear answer soon! - Amy
This might be a silly question, but do you shave down below? Your problem doesn't sound quite like mine, but I figured I'd throw it out there just in case (or in case someone else comes across this thread that finds it useful)

I used to shave my lady bits fairly regularly. Once I started on Humira though I noticed bumps on the outside of my labia. I got worried about something like HPV, thinking that my body was unable to fight it off due to being on the biologic. So, I went to my gyno and she said it wasn't anything that resembled any sort of disease. She said shaving can irritate the skin down there. So, I stopped shaving and the bumps and irritation went away.

But, I didn't have any discharge or pain. So, it may be different than you. It did feel somewhat raw, though, I imagine that had to do with the shaving (which involves removing a layer of skin).

I definitely agree with Amy about getting in to see a gyno. They've seen a lot of things down there, so they would know about ruling out a lot of the non-GI related things.

Good luck!
hello everyone. Well yesterday see my dr. who did a fast swab and urine test. Said probably yeast infection so prescribed a 3 day canastan. I was wondering is the floconazole better. He wanted to give me this but i heard it causes nausea. Im just sickof dr.'s even my family one. He never checks unless i ask him, even the dr's on call i went to see this weekend were not any good, they don't know my history. I was planning to change dr, but i've seen hm 20 yrs and just started having problems the last 2 years. Another thing i had a appt last thur for a urologist and the road was washed out, so now i'll have to wait until sept. Dr. sent me there becasue there are many times they find blood in urine. Where can i find a good dr. that will check you right. Its so hard. To make matters worse it started raining today which willmake our roads even worse. I always think ahead incase i have to go in for emergency, 1/2 hr drive away. Iknow the saying take one day at a time, but its hard to do.
Hi Matty - I'm so sorry things are not working out with your doctors. You sound so frustrated and defeated! I'm suprised your doc thought it was a yeast infection. Any yeast infection I ever had was SO ITCHY, and you didn't mention any itchiness at all in your desription!

I'm not sure how things work there in Canada - perhaps some others can better direct you on how to go about switching doctors.

Even then, you need to really manage your own care and make sure all your docs know what's going on with every aspect of your care, what other docs have found, etc etc.
yes i feel defeated. If dr. make appt for a gyno , i will have to wait about 2 months. I'm 2nd day of 3 day canastan and still have the slight discomfort and burning and a bit swollen. I was having a yellowish clear discharge but when i look in vagina it looks white, and its not a bad smell. I kind of worrying about fistula's and abscess. I don't see any lump, but i do still have my burning bum which has been going on and off for some time now. The pain from vagina seems to go down to side of bum. Its burning a bit more on that left side. Could a bladder infection casue that red swollen burning feeling, not itchy.
well i have been still having this problem on and off. It will be 1 year now. I didn't pay attention to it had 2 er drs. looked at it and didn't see anything. My family dr. looked and seen nothing and said maybe the painwas coming from butt area which does bother me time to time. Anyway the last 5 days felt tender on left side of butt, felt around and looked and nothing. Did more sitz baths it helped some. I had 2 appt's 3 hrs away, one with gyno and gastro. I see gyno first and don't mention it as figured it was from bum area. Seen gastro and she looked and saw nothing on bum area but seen the area above on vagina to be inflammed. I seen this before when i seen the other dr's and they didn't notice. Anyway she says it doen't look Crohn's related and send me back to gyno who checks and says inflamed and a bit swollen, says batholeon cyst, not infected but keep an eye on it and if gets bigger see my family dr. who will deal with it. Gave me keflex. I did not mention i've have this for a year as it was late and closing. But she did a pap smear and pelvic exam 2 months ago, would she not have seen it then. It burns and feels raw, but not too bad and it seems to make the whole vagina a bit sore and going down bum cheek today. I am seeing family dr. next tue. I checked last night and it looks the same as always and i feel no lump but didn't check today. please some advice.

I also had a Bartholin's Cyst about 20 years ago. I kept getting irritation as if I had thrush and this resolved if I used Canesten, but I also had a lump which came and went on the left side just inside my vagina - not obvious to see from the outside, but easy to feel - about the size of a small ping pong ball. Doctors just kept treating me for thrush, but my mum mentioned Bartholin's cysts and finally a practice nurse agreed with this and got the GP to prescribe antibiotics. After two courses of antibiotics had failed (it went away but quickly came back again) I went to have it surgically removed and have never had any problems since.