hello everyone. Problems just keep adding up and its getting harder for me to handle. On monday i noticed small red pimple looking near vagina that was lower, not good to explain. I was to see dr. that day so told him, he didn't look at it, just said abscess, and gave me antibiotics.. Didn't take them yet becasue when i got home that day, the pimple was flattened and a small red spot is there andnoticed no discharge on underwear. Yesterday was putting hemmi cream and that when i noticed redness and swelling on left side. Its a bit uncomfortable. So yesterday i see a dr. on call who said i don't know your background and said to take the pills if pain get worse and he sees no abscess. I don'tknow if he checked good. I checked around and can't find no lump. I used some canastan cream on it today. I figure if it gets worse i'll take the pills- kefelx. I really hate to take them as now i've been having d once a day and scared to make it worse. What should i do. I have always felt for past year abit raw, like not bad so that's why i didn't pay attention to it. I saw a gyno last sept for a pap smear andmri and they turned out okay, but i never mentioned that feeling to him. Also did a treatment of canastan 2 weeks ago on my own. Also the last year i always felt slight tenderness on the left side of vagina. I think the pimple threw me off in thinking a abscess. What do you think, please i need someinfo. I can't really do anything now becasue the weekend is here and they really don't do much lab work on weekend.