Rejecting my doctor

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Mar 29, 2013
My CD is mild compared to most cases. Back in 2013 I developed a reaction to certain foods (abdominal cramps, sometimes a blockage), figured out which foods they were, and have adjusted my diet. For the last two years this has worked great. I was problem-free until last fall when one of those foods got sneaky - a spicy condiment that had a slow burn. The wrong spices caused a blockage and I spent three days in the hospital.

When I was discharged I was given an appointment with a new doctor, not my regular GI doctor. What I got out of that appointment was a tale of doom and gloom, all kinds of potential meds to add to my pharmaceutical diet, and piles of blood tests and examinations. To top it off, this doctor is European indian and I spotted several errors in my record from her typing due to cultural accent differences (example instead of PICC tube, she typed feeding tube).

Mind you, this was three months after the hospital stay with zero problems since and she was treating this as a flare-up. I know what a flare-up is and this isn't it.

I had my doubts, but I proceeded with blood tests, bone density tests, and an MRI. The only thing that was abnormal from all of them was a vitamin D deficiency. That tells me my piping is working and I don't have a malnutrition problem. Next on the calendar was dermatology and colonoscopy (although my previous examination two years ago was spotless).

Then I was socked with a $1700 bill for the MRI - patient copay is almost 25%! And there is a colonoscopy on the way!!!

Given my good health report from the examinations, my problem free spell, total lack of flare-up symptoms, the overzealous nature of the physician, her errors in my record, and the prospects of more medical expenses I cancelled all remaining examinations and all remaining appts with that doctor. The office understood the reasoning for my actions. I kept the appt with my regular GI, and I will be reading him the riot act about this doctor. :ymad:

Some doctors just aren't as good as others. I feel for you. I have dealt with this type of problem as well. They may mean well and be a nice person, but they are just a lousy doctor, plain and simple. I probably would have done the same thing as you. That's too many mistakes for someone who is supposed to be a professional.

I hope you find a doctor more in tune with you. You deserve proper treatment.

Sending you my thoughts and prayers,

Wow. This doc needs to understand that mild disease is supposed treated "bottom up" - in other words the testing and treatment is increased in response to an increase in symptoms or other measure of disease severity. It sounds like she is tying to treat it "top down" - to hit it with the big guns first. Top down is fine, in fact it is recommended, for moderate to severe Crohn's. But for mild Crohn's the older bottom up regimen is still considered appropriate.
I used to have another doctor like her years ago and I rejected him for the same reasons. I don't regret it.

My regular GI is level headed. He's also the head of the GI department and all of these people report to him.
Saw my GI yesterday. He agreed that under my condition the doctor was overzealous and that there was no reason I should be on any more medication. While he was pleased that I had my CD under control, he was shocked that my insurance socked me with a 25% copay for the MRI.

I got a printout of my medical record and will be reviewing it for errors.
I also "fired" a previous GI. Not a lot of fun. Here in Canada I needed to wait a considerable amount of time before the new guy came on board. The guy just wouldn't listen, and he was more interested in making my crohn's fit his idea of how it could be treated that make the treatment fit my crohn's. Bass ackwards. I was actively bleeding for 3 years and he wouldn't even order regular blood work, but made me wait until I had to go to Emerg with anemia. Glad I have moved on. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.
The Canadian healthcare system isn't what its cracked up to be. In many cases waiting times are too long, which complicates condtions by allowing them to exasperate, for some it will mean a terminal diagnosis by the time they see a doctor.

The other problem is how doctors relate to their patients. I don't know if this is a Canadian problem but doctors here tend to be nannies and want to 'control' the patient. Fortunately, I have come across a good family doctor and had a good GI until he decided to move recently. These two doctors work with me to find solutions rather than dictating and telling me how.
I approach medical practitioners in the same manner as the contractors we sought to help us solve mechanical problems at the steam plant I oversaw operations for. I cut them some slack, but also let them know who is in charge. After all we are all owners and operators of our own bodies, which remarkably resemble machinery. We only have one, and we must gard ourselves, doctors are only human and make mistakes too.
As a fellow Canadian I really wish I could "fire" my doctors but no such luck. You are given a doctor and are stuck with them as the options are that or nothing! And even family doctors are scarce and you take what you can get. Of course all the good ones are never accepting patients. I have been given the full run around for almost a year now and no diagnosis or treatment. I have just tried to use diet to reduce the inflammation and bleeding. Leaving me very unwell at times with fevers and fatigue. I see the specialist tonight to go over the results of my pill camera done 6 weeks ago. Crossing my fingers for a direction to begin treating these symptoms.

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