I'm feeling pretty crummy about certain recent events. I'd like to know if and how your CD or UC has affected your personal and professional...
100% absolutely yes.
For me, it impacts almost every relationships. It has put me into complex and un pleasent situations that I had to figure and get myself out of by myself. Some lessons I learned :
1) If you "decide" to love, try to love with every cell in your body
2) You have to assume that you are on your own; as much as possible, maybe sometimes to a ridiculous degree, you have to manage by yourself [this of course may not be applicable to those who has someone to count on and at the same time dont mind doing that - this is an amazing proviledge and I encourage you to do that if you have such an option]
3) Many people dont want to hear about your condition. They want to talk about their ski vacation, or which camera they are going to buy next, or at which hour their baby farted last night [sorry, I got in the zone]. While it used to bother me, it no longer does. I accept it and in a way I am glad it is that way. I see it today as a "natural" interaction.
4) Sometimes there are surprises with relationships. When God sends you a real friend, dont let him/her go. This to say, keep an open mind. I came to realize that it is so much more important the character of your friends, than for exaple how long you know them.
5) During hard times, with SO it is either a breakup or a breakthrough. If you are able to love and manage through them, there is a good chance that you communicate well.
6) I share details only when (a) they ask , and, (b) they really want to know and are really interested.
Otherwise I almost never bring it up if not necessary, besides with my SO.
7) As someone said before, I try to keep my boss up to date if there are special circumstances. Not TMI though, just the bottom line or two.
OWO, it came much longer than I thought... this issue has been keeping my mind busy, apperantly.