In church this morning the pastor told this joke.
A car begins to stop conservatively at the yellow light, probably could have made it. The driver behind obviously in a hurry laid on the horn and starts hollering and waving his hands all around. On the back of the car is the "honk if you love Jesus" bumper sticker, the christian fish symbol, the "choose life" sticker, etc. In his frenzied rage he hears a knock on his driver side window, it's a police officer, he is handcuffed and taken to jail. Finally after an hour or two they come get him and release him from jail. He asks why he was arrested in the first place and the officer said from the bumper stickers and the way you were behaving we obviously thought the car was stolen. lol. Sadly people judge religion by the imperfect followers it is meant for, as if becoming religious magically makes one a better person.
The bible really is not a proof book, which is a little odd because the biggest thing about Jesus is believing in him, the obvious need is for some evidence. So why didn't God give us some obvious proof? Well that is the beauty of it also, faith in God is like true love, it does not need proof, it does not demand evidence and in fact anything that makes it conditional or forces it out makes it not really love at all. Unconditional love is loving when your doubted, shouted at, forgotten about, taken for granted, and loved without need for proof, God wants us to love him that way and more importantly to love each other that way. That is what the bible is about.
One of my favorite "proofs" though is the story of the prostitute. She is about to be stoned to death and Jesus saves her. Telling her accusers, those without sin cast the first stone. You have to think of the context of when this was written. Women were more or less property and a woman who was a prostitute, well she normally was stoned and you can be sure many a unfaithful man's mistress were probably falsely accused once the relationship was discovered, like the crazy people in the middle east who still to this day have "honor killings". So all the way back then Jesus is this progressive women's rights champion, but the moral is that he loving someone unconditionally, not because they have no faults but in spite of them.
It's hard to ever convince someone to be a Christian, especially when you have alot of people who scream about hell and damnation, but if people can start to see what it really means to be a Christian, to love each other as we love ourselves, well maybe they will be attracted to it.
If you read this far then click on this video, it's about the guy with the bullhorn on the corner shouting hell fire. The music is really cool, very edgy "freaky creatures like you" lol