Remicade and the cost!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 28, 2012
Austin, Texas
I called my Drs office today and told them I am not going to continue Remicade. I simply cant afford it.

My husband moved to days so he could help me out at night. (9 months was to long for him) Well that meant he moved his second job to nights. So really I gain one night a week from him. Which means he dosent have time to look for a better job. So we lost his night shift diff. Now our medical goes up $275 a

I am very tired and worn out from being sick. I am tired of being in pain. I want (need?) some one who "gets it" I dont feel this way to piss anyone off
or to "get out" of doing things around the house. In the last two years I went
back to work , part time sales, to asst mgr. I have worked my ass off to gain the respect and hours I have needed to earn the hours I need for my paycheck. I had no experience, I have just worked very hard to get here. All the while having a flare of my crohns. I dont even always take a full day off on my treatment days.

Today Crohns has won the fight Hopefully soon I will figure out how to turn the tables and be the winner! Maybe tomorrow I wont feel so damned overwhelmed and tired!

Tots, I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time. Is the remicade working for you? I'm sorry, I'm sure you posted it previously but is ins. covering your Remicade and are you accessing the Remistart benefits? Again, I apologize if you have already answered those questions previously and I hope you find remission soon!! Sending hugs and support your way!
I am not yet in remission but, am no longer bleeding.

I would guess it is helping more each time I sent my paperwork in twice and never heard back. Ugh!
That's just crazy that Remistart didn't respond!!! Have you talked to one of the consultants at 1888 222 3771? I would keep calling until I got a response on whether Remistart was approve or deny assistance before I ended remicade treatments. Someone from a different service group affiliated with Remicade initially contacted me and told me exactly what to fill out as well as worked as a go between between GI and insurance in getting appoval(they really didn't need to as it was approved from start) then advised me of Remistart and even automatic appointment reminders if I so chose, so keep calling and be a squeaky wheel!!!! Hope you get help soon and by the way I love your sig about stress! HA!
I spoke to Remistart today. They really didnt have much to say. I am usually pretty good
at this stuff- I used to bill medical ins for a living. I may try calling again next Tuesday. Maybe I will be "up for the fight".

Thank you for the advice,

Lauren, I am so sorry you are going through this.Be a squeaky wheel. We have a good friend who has UC and is uninsured.She was approved through Remistart and is able to afford her Remicade. Pursue it!
Lauren I am sorry to hear about your trouble. All I can say is be persistent with Remistart. Don't give up on trying with them, that's what they're there for. Hopefully you will get this all sorted out soon. If not, come vent to us, we will be here for you!
I'm so sorry you're going through this. Nobody should have to discontinue an effective treatment because of their financial situation. This country needs to get on the ball. Corporate discount programs are a PR measure, not a solution.
It looks like I will be starting Humira, hopefully at the end of Feb.

I am usually a good squeaky wheel, Remicade was just hard to deal with.

I was going through a lot the last few months and I just kinda through in the towel!

I am back on track with attitude and ready to take all this on again!
