So far Makena's Remicade infusions have been a huge blessing. She's gained 7 lbs in 4 weeks, her tummy pains have decreased (still gets them, but not nearly as much) and her fistula is shrinking. I'm very happy with it so far.
However, I don't know what is up with today, but I've gotten two messages from friends on facebook (whom I haven't spoken to in years) that both had random advice for me to "watch out for Remicade and be careful giving it to her." First of all, thanks for the advice but - its a little out of left field. And might I add, rude. How about asking how she's feeling and how the remicade treatments have been working so far?? Maybe I shouldn't react so defensively, but have they any idea what its like to have a child in so much pain that you are willing to pump them with medicine that you are hoping will work? Have they ever had to hand over their childs livelyhood to some Dr, hoping he knows wth he's doing?? Ugh! I'm so irritated right now!