Aloe, My heart goes out to you. Joint Pain is one of the main side effects of Crohn's Disease. The Doxi (antibiotic) may have compounded the joint pain some what - however, your Remicade restart will most likely help you in a very short amount of time. Before your next Remicade Infusion you may want your doctor to order a Premetheus Blood Test. This test (IFX) will messure how much Remicade remains in your system. In addition, it will identify if your body has built- up any antibodies to the Remicade.
In closing, again, my heart goes out to you - one of the most painful things I have ever experienced is the joint pain associated with Crohn's Disease. The joint pain is often transient - moving to different joints almost daily. In fact, it is similar to and often diagnosed as Palindromic Arthritis (pain in differant joint sites -almost daily and starts and ends quickly). However, as my Crohn's has progressed, the joint pain has become more constant - and worsening at night/end of day. This issue is very quickly resolved upon receiving a Remicade Infusion, thus, becoming pain free once again.
Thank you Napali Coast. I'm scheduled for a Remicade infusion next Friday, so I am praying that will help. It's been very weird this week because after stopping the Doxi, the joint pain almost went away completely. The last 3 days I've felt so much better. Then I just started 6-MP, and boom, I woke up in the middle of the night with the joint pain back in my hand. I took two Tylenol and was finally able to get back to sleep. It's better this morning, but now I'm worried again. Maybe it's not the Doxi, and maybe it was just a coincidence that it stopped and it's really from Crohns. Or maybe it's 6-MP causing it now too. I'm going to stick with this program until I get back on Remicade and hope that helps. Of course I'm reading the forum and seeing that plenty of people get joint pain FROM Remicade. Arrrrg. Sometimes this forum scares me as much as it helps me.