I'm so sorry CH - I know you must be so frustrated. I really hope they can find something that works for you!!CrohnsHobo said:I am asking my Dr. to stop my Remicade today. Don't really see the point anymore. Get the 10 every 4 weeks and I am good for about a week and then back to feeling awful.
Need something that is gonna sustain me for a full month or I am going to have to pop percocets more than I already am.
I've been on Remicade for a year now, and was on Imuran for most of that year as well. I haven't had any problems with infections. The average person catches 3 - 4 colds every season (or something like that - I read it last year) so even catching a cold or two doesn't mean it's due to the Remicade.Mazen said:Did you notice after getting Remicade that you get more infections or catch more viruses?
katiesue1506 said:I did, I just noticed that the drug didn't suppress the flare as long as it was supposed to. My 8 week infusions lasted 6 weeks, then they were only lasting 5 weeks and they doubled the dose, it was still only lasting 5-6 weeks so I went in at a double dose every 5 weeks and by that time it was only lasting 4.5 weeks-ish.
My symptoms were weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea 5-12 times daily, pain and fatigue. I would also get this little bumps on my skin (a few of them) when my Remi was wearing off.
They ended up finally taking me off the Remi, hitting me with a three month pred taper from 40mg and starting me on imuran and humira at the same time.
I thought that I was starting a flare a few weeks ago when my Remi infusion was scheduled 2 weeks late. I started going way more than usual, but it turned out it was only something that I ate, it lasted for 3 days, and now I am back to feeling great again. I'm hoping that is the case for you too. Good luck, and I hope you feel better quickly.s.a.m. said:I just had my infusion a little 2 weeks ago, and normally I go to the washroom between 1-3 times a day, the last 2 days has been 6 times/day.
Thanks for the info! I don't really know what to do.
katiesue1506 said:They ended up finally taking me off the Remi, hitting me with a three month pred taper from 40mg and starting me on imuran and humira at the same time.
Mazen said:Thanks guys. I'll make sure to drink lots of fluids before my 2nd infusion next week.... Damn, I hate it so much when they insert that IV needle in, and then it doesn't work, and then the nurse smiles and says, sorry but i'll have to poke you again. Let her try all that poking for a change![]()
Peaches said:Good gravy - do you guys not have access to an IV team? Maybe it is because I get mine done at a hospital - but if they have to stick me more than twice - they call the IV team - those people have "x-ray vein" vision. They will look at the backside of my forearm and I'm like "hey - there is NOTHING there!!!" and boom - they get it in first shot every time!
Kacey said:I am currently on imuran, and recently had a colonoscopy. Doc found inflammation and bleeding which in reslult, I will now be put on Remicade (once I agree to it after googling every bad side effect lol) Just wondering, if the imuran doesn't seem to be working for me, do you think the doc would keep me on it as well as remicade. I really don't want it, I hate imuran. And of course, after reading all the terrible possible side effects, is it true/accurate that in combination of these two meds, the increase of lymphoma goes up that much more? ARGH, I don't want to deal with this.
ALSO, I had a baby boy in April, began to flare in June, put on prednisone and imuran, hair loss began. Now I've been tapered from pred. hair loss STILL continues to shed. My ferritin was at 12 after baby, then 10 in sept., now 8...on Iron now. I have so many reasons why I could be losing my hair!!! Anyone else with this problem. It is still coming out regularily, and I do notice thinning.
P.S. I have no idea if I am in the right section for this post, new here today. Sorry if i intruded on someone's post, lol...I have no idea how this all works
WOOOO!!!Skinny Dub said:Another uneventful infusions done and hopefully many more to go.![]()
jpetrone said:Next two appointments 1/26 and 2/23
CrohnsHobo said:Getting Remicade every two weeks than four?
Jennjenn said:As long as you feel well thats the best judgement for progress that you can have!
plook38 said:Hi evryone,
All the best for everyone getting infusions. It took me a little while to figure that the remicade you all speak about is the drug infliximab as I know it. I thought America had some wonder drug I was unaware of!!
I am noticing that some people are on it for sustained periods. In the area that I live in and most surrounding areas in Scotland they give you three infusions. That used to be all but recently they have agreed to give a second course of three.
I remember them (2006 or 07 I think) but I don't remember any nasty side-effects. I do rememeber being extremely tired but my two hour infusion always ended up being a 6 hour epidemic as the nurses were never ready for me, had to wait on the hospital pharmacy releasing drugs etc. What a mare! I have noticed that many people have to pay for it. OMG. That must be bloody exspensive.
What I wanted to ask was do people get the 5 ml steriod injection first right before the infliximab starts? The one where only 1ml is given per minute? If you do, do not let the nurse give you it faster!!! It is one ml for a reason but nurses in a rush tended to forget that in the busy hospital. I remember having the most awful feeling in my groin area. It was like I was getting a tattoo and a thousand needles were peircing my skin at the same time. Weird and kind of painful! Thats the only bad thing I remember from infusions so they obviously didn't effect me too negatively!!!
I think the infusions were partly resonsible for me getting better. I was on azathiaprine at the same time though so it was quite hard to tell. The infliximab didn't heal the fistula and I think thats what my drugd consultant was hoping for.
Anyway enough ranting. I hope everyone has success with the infusions. Enjoy your days off school/work!!
It is probably the benadryl. I bet you feel pretty good tomorrow- I always feel good after a good night's sleep the day after my Remi. The trick to you knowing that it is working is that you don't flare....that is the hope!jpetrone said:I feel fine for now .. a little hyper and some sensitiveity to light but who knows if it's from this.
I have the hyperness and outgoingness of being drunk without the alcohol .. strange lol
It was probably Solu-cortef....just another corticosteroid.Fog Ducker said:I think I get Salucortex (sp.) Or something that sounds like that, before my Remicade. LOL!
That sucks that you guys arent able to get it consistantly. It has been a real life saver for me.
Dave07 said:Hello friends,
Are you guys/gals on short term schedules for your Remicade (a few months, then off), or long term/indefinite? My Dr. hasn't mentioned anything about a stop date, so I've gotten the impression I'll be on it indefinitely. That's fine by me. My insurance covers it so I'm happy.
Fog Ducker said:How come you werent on it consistantly??
I have been on it for 2 years now, I love it, and will be on it till it stops working.
Brian said:I guess I'll be eligible for the Club this Thursday....scheduled for my first date with Remi.
Little nervous - hope I respond to it as well as some of y'all.
jpetrone said:Good Luck Brian! I have my 2nd infusion next Tuesday!! Hope this one goes as well as the 1st!
Good LUCK!!!
Brian said:I guess I'll be eligible for the Club this Thursday....scheduled for my first date with Remi.
Little nervous - hope I respond to it as well as some of y'all.
Ha haa!! Good one! Pirate - sooo glad Janis got it straightened out for you and that is went smooothly as well. Hoping it kicks in quick buddy!CrohnsHobo said:You merged your DNA with a mouse?
LOLOLOL!!! Remi doesn't kick in THAT fast, silly! Hope you're okay tomorrow.Pirate said:I actually ate two 1/4 lb double cheese burgers at Burger King after Janis and I left the Infusion Center today. I haven't had 1 in about a year and it was sooooo good.
Guess what MBH, I'm eating Cheezits right now.