Remicade + Imuran

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May 1, 2012
Is anyone on both Remicade and Imuran? I have been on Remicade since January, my doc wasn't happy with the progress, so he put me on Imuran as well (cipro as well). I haven't been on Imuran before. Curious what other's experiences are being on both drugs.
I started on imuran and then went onto remi at the same time and have never had any problem at all with using both at the same time
Been on Remicade/Imuran combo myself for about 3 weeks now. Probably too soon to be of any help to you, but yah, I was a little...concerned...when the doc said he wanted me on both. "At least for now" he says. We'll see...

I don't think it's that uncommon for doctors to put a person on both, even if just temporarily.
It's in the works for me to start Remicade. I am currently on Imuran. I had a resection surgery in September which has pushed the start date of Remicade back. I am sure this will be the top topic of discussion when I see my GI in November. :)
i was on aza before going back onto remicade and my doctor wants to get me off of aza as soon as he can cos it increases your risk for certain cancers... i was however also on the combination o f the two a while back for 9 months in total, and i never suffered any ill effects. i guess it is all down to the perspective of the dr... good luck
I just began the remicade/imuran combo myself. I found an article published by the mayo clinic on the combination, titled "Mayo Clinic: Two Drug Combo Twice as Effective for Crohn's Disease remission"

And here's an excerpt from it:
[in regards to a study done which found great benefit from using the drugs in combination] "These study results are strong enough to change clinical practice," says William Sandborn, M.D., gastroenterologist and vice chair of the Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester. "They have certainly changed mine."

Although i have no history yet to speak of, I found consolation in knowing my dr was prescribing something that one of the world's leading medical research teams ( THE Mayo Clinic) recommended, and I hope it brings you some peace of mind as well.