Remicade minor reaction

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
I didn't want to post because then it really happened .
DS had his infusion on Thursday .
He has no ATI to remicade btw.
He finished his infusion - waited the extra 1/2 hour or so and left the clinic.
DS got to the lobby of the hospital and started to complain of a scratchy throat and that it was a little hard to breath.
DH took DS back to the clinic . They called the doc and monitored him.
Doc said it wasn't life threatening at this point.

Then His tongue got tingly .
They gave him albuterol and Benadryl .
Things improved and DS was able to go home after an hour.
He is really good now. :)
Not sure how this effects his next infusion.

Right now he pretreated with Zyrtec and Benadryl .
DH thought he heard the nurse say that the doc may want us to consider decadron prior next time ????
Anyone with past experience ??

He is really good on remicade so I don't want to give that up.

Any one have a similar rxn only once to remicade and the. None later without pre treating with steriods ??
I have no experience w Remi, but man allergic reactions can be scary!
I'm so glad it wasn't life threatening and he's doing good now :)
Hope he doesn't have to give it up!
I would tell you if he is going to be pretreated with steroids I would ask them if he could have solumedrol (Methylprednisolone) instead of decadron. I was given decadron a few times because my clinic never had solumedrol for some reason. I remember the decadron made my rear end feel like someone set fire to it for about 5 minutes. The nurse told me it did this to most people. Don't think a child would care for this at all.
He has had decadron numerous times before for asthma croup etc without issue.
But I will keep that in mind in case it's a remicade + decadron thing
Did you have a rxn or were you always pretreated with steriods ?
Do you still take remicade ?
For how long ?
I started Remicade and had a reaction after the loading doses. They stopped it for about for about 6 months and restarted it because I was flaring really bad. Humira and Cimzia weren't around to go to back then. They premedicated me when they started the loading doses. I did fine with it so they gave it to me at every infusion. I had a total of 49 infusions and had 0 problems with the infusion. I'm not on remicade now, not because it stopped working because I contracted a nasty fungal infection and had to stop it. They tried to restart it again after the infection cleared but it wouldn't work. Then I went to Humira.
Glad you were able to get things under control quickly hope they figure out a solution that works and he can keep using remicade
That must have been stressful. No idea about Remicade, but I hope it doesn't affect his infusion for next time!
I met a Mom with a kid that had some type of reaction at the infusion center and from then on he was pretreated with solumedrol, I think? It has been a while back so I don't remember the details but at that time the kid had continued with Remicade without incident.
I've heard that too...the pretreating with steroids. My son had a pretty bad reaction. We couldn't finish that infusion...Came back 3 days later and pretreated with steroids and they also slow down the infusion. Still had the reaction, but my son knew what to feel for and it wasn't as bad. (They only got in about a tsp or so). But I know of a lot that the pretreatment works.

If the remicade is helping him feel better, then I'll bet the pretreatment will work. By this 3rd infusion, the remi wasn't working for my son. (They did the test and my son had built up antibodies against it, so maybe that's why.)
I'm sorry you had to experience this!!! I'm glad it wasn't severe and hope it doesn't affect his next infusion!
Oh No MLP! Sorry about that. I just met someone at O's last infusion who gets pretreated with steroids and has been doing very well. I totally get the not wanting to give up Remi. O's psoriasis has taken on a life of its own and she doesn't want to stop the Remi and that is no where near as serious as an allergic reaction. Good Luck!

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