Remicade - Tingling feeling?

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Apr 12, 2012
I've had 2 infusions of Remicade for Crohn's, the 2nd about 3 weeks ago, and just 2 days ago I've been getting this wierd buzz/tingling feeling over my whole body. It comes on near noon and lasts until I either take a depressant of some kind (alcohol, cyclobenzaprene) or finally fall asleep. I've checked my diet, I'm actually drinking less coffee (16 oz) than I used to (24 oz) so I don't think it's related to that unless a caffeine interax was inevitable. I'm taking in about 1800 cals a day and eat healthy 80% of the time. I've also noticed some muscle soreness today, mainly large leg muscle groups.

Has anyone out there had a similar experience?
Did you contact your doctor?
What happened to resolve?

Thanks for the help!

Sorry I can't be of any help, I occasionally get a tingling in my extremities but I'm pretty sure that is related to poor circulation.

It doesn't sound like anything I've heard of, if it was me I would keep an eye on it and mention it to my doctor just to be on the safe side.

Let us know what turns up, I'm kind of curious!!
hey ive just been experiencing that right now...i was on 5mg of remicade and going every 8 my GI increased it to 10 mg and every 4 weeks...on the 3d and last time i got my infusion i started getting tingling/fuzzy feeling in my arms/legs/hands/feet...i emailed him but it was i called the umass ER and the GI on call said it could be too much gi emailed me back the next day saying i needed to see a neurologist specializing in MS neurology...however i already see a neurologist for temporal lobe epilepsy so i naturally called him right away...he talked to the MS neurologist and they both seem to think it is paraesthesias...just a side effect because the remicade is at such a high dose going frequently...what other symptoms are you getting?
Well, I'm on the bare minimum.. 3.7mg/kg. Fortunately, this "whole body buzz" I was getting has subsided. However, my 3rd infusion is this Friday, 4/20. I'm a little nervous about it coming back, which, if it does, will signal my end with Remicade. I do way too many activities to be hampered by that feeling if it comes back. I don't even want to be on the drug anyway as I don't believe we know anything about the 20-30 year side effects of taking this medication.