Hey Kristysulin,
So, the FUO (Fever of Unknown Origin) still comes back about 1 week before my infusion, with no other diagnosis, after several MRIs/Cat-scans, lung x-rays, blood workups beyond belief. Thankfully they all came back negative.
Which leads my doc and I to believe that my immune system is kicking up a little sooner than the dosage timeframe. At maximum dose, and minimum refresh/infusion weeks, so that's that. As he says: "we still don't understand how Remicade is metabolized..." Shrug.
Re: Chillblains - yeah, so that condition has settled down considerably since it first appeared in 2014, but living in the Pacific Northwest (cold wet winters) it's an environment ripe for such a condition. This past Winter was particularly nasty (for this part of the world), and so I had three very slight bouts of what now feels like Renaud's - discoloration and poor circulation to the fingertips - that lasted for an hour or so. Thankfully the Chillblains stopped in 2014/early 2015 and haven't had them again.
Who knows with this stuff. As long as it's working, my doc and I are staying the course.