Resection timing?

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Oct 2, 2010
Hi all,
I was wonder how long most people go between resections. If you have had more than one how long was it between them? Is there an average length of time or does it just vary wildly?

Hi Barbara,

I am fortunate that I have not suffered major issues or required additional surgery after my resection about 5 years ago. I can't believe it has been that long!

I know I read some research at one point that said there is a 80% the diseae will come back within 5 years.

Hopefully you will be able to go quite some time (if not forever) before you require surgery again. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary coming up (I see your surgery was last June)!
Thanks for your response. Hopefully no more surgery for either of us. :)
Funny how fast time goes.

I see some people talking about having 3 - 5 resections. Yikes! One time was enough. I only have space for one goofy belly button scar.

When last tested my inflammation markers were high (but not crazy high) the slip said "consistant with active Crohns" so I guess I am one of the 80%.

Thanks again Mike! Here's to five more years. :)
I've had two resections. The second came five years after the first. However, it's been 12 years since the second one, and I'm still holding on. I'm currently battling a flare, and was told two years ago that I would likely need surgery within the year, but I've already successfully passed that mark.

Ultimately, I think it boils down to how well your body responds to treatments when you are in a flare, and how prone you are to flares. Before my current flare, I only had one relatively minor one in 2003 that we quickly knocked down with some Remicade, and seemed to last me a good six years. This most recent one has been a bit trickier, but that's just because my entire life situation has been a bit more complicated this time round.

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