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Jul 17, 2011
I apologize for being a deliquent member. I have a lot going on in the last month that has kept me away.

I saw my GI at the end of August who informed me that my scope was clear. No inflammation, scarring etc. My biopsy's came back fine as well. No inflammation etc. I am still taking 10mg of Ammi and it seems to be affect for the most part. I am still experiencing LRQ pain which the GI states does not appear to be related. The GI claims I DO NOT have crohns but IBS instead.

Now, the Ammi is working as far as no cramping etc. I have been "episode" free for almost 2 months and I've gained weight. On the other hand, I am still suffering from constipation, bloating & gas pain. I also still have the LRQ pain that goes into my groin/back. It is a constant pain that differs in severity day to day. I also started taking a probiotic which doesn't seem to have any affect.

I go back to my GP and request u/s's. My results came back yesterday and all my lady parts are fine and so is my appendix. No apparent concerns. LRQ pain is still undiagnosed.

At this point I am completely lost with what to do next. I am happy that I have been episode free but I obviously still have something going on. I'm finding it difficult to figure out how to get a second opinion, let alone getting a first opinion on this issue.

Any thoughts? I have no idea where to go next!
I am glad to hear your GI is so confident that you don't have IBD. IBS can be the cause for your constipation, gas, and bloating. But it doesn't explain the LRQ pain. Have you seen a gynecologist? Perhaps the pain could related to your reproductive organs such as an ovarian cyct. A pelvic MRI would probably be a good idea to investigate if you haven't already had one.
I am glad to hear your GI is so confident that you don't have IBD. IBS can be the cause for your constipation, gas, and bloating. But it doesn't explain the LRQ pain. Have you seen a gynecologist? Perhaps the pain could related to your reproductive organs such as an ovarian cyct. A pelvic MRI would probably be a good idea to investigate if you haven't already had one.

I had a pelvic & transvaginal U/S done last week that showed no cysts or abnormalities. I did have a tubal ligation almost 10 years ago but the report shows that everything is fine.

I guess this is why I am stumped. I may see my GP again and request an MRI/CT to get a better picture! I don't know what else to do :yfrown:
I have pain that can feel like severe gas pains. IBS runs in my family and I dont have much symtptoms as far as D or constipation but I do get this horrible pain you experience. I have had every test and was finally diagnosed with pain predominant IBS and somatization disorder. I have been in remission for two months as well and I know it could be very frustrating to not have any answers to your pain. What has helped me is Hyoscyamine and Lexapro along with the amitriptyline. I went into withdrawal where I felt nauseous and the pain started up again in my stomach and chest and in my groin. After two days of taking my medicine the pain was gone. I hope you get this figured out but I do have to say that it sounds like IBS to me. Peppermint tea and ibprofen has helped me a lot as well.

I have been given Dicetel as well. I took my first one last night because I was feeling horrible. It did seem to help a bit but I suspect that it takes time to work into the system.

I unfortunately was up all night running to the bathroom with D. I haven't slept and now I'm at work and have had to run to the bathroom 2x. So much for my remission..2 months just isn't long enough!
Hmmmm honestly going to the toilet at night (I assume the pain wakes you and then you go?) with IBS shouldn't happen, even my GI who is hell bent on an IBS dx admits openly the night attacks do not fit.
Hmmmm honestly going to the toilet at night (I assume the pain wakes you and then you go?) with IBS shouldn't happen, even my GI who is hell bent on an IBS dx admits openly the night attacks do not fit.

I totally agree!! This was one thing I told the GI didn't fit. My scope showed no issues/inflammation including the biopsy.

I was also under the impression that while taking Ammi that I shouldn't be waking up in the night as it knocks me out.

I wake up due to the cramping like contractions and have to run to the toilet. I don't know if I should call my GP or GI. I don't see my GI until February and I'm not sure if I can get in any quicker!
Is it only scopes that you have had? Maybe a CT scan or a barium follow through would be the next step. If you haven't had them then that's a whole lot of small bowel they still haven't seen.

I know exactly what you mean when you say the cramping wakes you up too!
Is it only scopes that you have had? Maybe a CT scan or a barium follow through would be the next step. If you haven't had them then that's a whole lot of small bowel they still haven't seen.

I know exactly what you mean when you say the cramping wakes you up too!

I've only had bloodwork, U/S and 1 scope done. I was beginning to wonder why I wasn't given any type of test for my small intestines. I will be making a call today!

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