Hi Whit,
There are way too many sloppy and blinkered Drs out there. I made the mistake of going for short notice appointments - i.e. those available at short notice. Worse mistakes ever and undiagnosed for so long because of it, got rude Drs, no biopsies taken when they should have been, results overlooked in my file, etc. I have now come to the conclusion that it is better to wait, even if that means waiting for a good while. I am concluding from my own experience anyway that if a Dr has a long waiting list - there is a reason - he or she must be booked up (presumed popular) for a reason.
You definitely have to shop around. Get second and third opinions if necessary because some of them just don't care to find out what is wrong and make the wrong presumptions. I have yet to find a good Dr so I am quite frustrated and flaring bad from the stress of it all. I believe I have Crohn's (not diagnosed yet) and also Lupus, and got a +ve blood result FOR Lupus (supposed to have 95% specificity...anti-dsDNA) yet the Rheumy I saw, who I only saw the once, did not diagnose me with Lupus because I have no malar rash...which I think is ridiculous.This Rheumy has no experience basically. I since found out they have not long been in the UK (from India) and they have been a Rheumatologist for only a year - was in Internal medicine prior to that in India. I am hoping to see a Lupus expert ...even if it means a trip to London.
I agree with muppet regarding finding one at a hospital with a university medical school affiliation. It makes sense. Those with longish waiting lists are worth researching. It is best to research the Dr beforehand if you can.
juljul xx