Road trip thought

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Jun 28, 2009
road trip thought

I've never had much in the way of continence issues, but for people with major issues or for longer road trips where there might be an element of uncertainty, does anybody ever just haul around a bedpan and a roll of TP? It's not a pleasant alternative, but I've heard of people resorting to things like trying to aim for an empty plastic bag. It seems like a pan would be a much less embarrassing alternative than soiling one's self or hitting the wrong target. Has anybody here tried that?
im a long distance truck driver and over the years i would have to admit to pooping many a wierd and wonderful place!!!!!!!!!!!! it's amazing how you learn to deal with things like having a crap behind a hedge!!!!!!!!!!!! **** it we have to live!ps done the plastic bag thing too, not easy if you need to pee as you poop
I have a kid's training potty in the back of my minivan. I keep two plastic grocery bags and 2 twice folded paper towels (8 layers) in the hole, and it has worked very well. I used it three times on the way to work, and maybe 6 or 8 times on the way to Virginia Beach from NY. We had to go for my brother's wedding, and I had about 15 seconds to get to a toilet at that time. I haven't needed it in about a year, but I refuse to take it out just in case.
I keep a tiny toilet roll in my bag all the time, just incase as I never know where I'll be going. However I have decided to not go on long journeys for fear that something might happen mainly.
At all times in my Jeep, I have a roll of Bounty, a roll of Charmin, wet wipes, and plastic bags. I also keep smaller versions of the same things in my bag/purse, along with a mini Lysol spray. At first, my husband kinda laughed... he doesn't laugh anymore.

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